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3 Careers With High Commitment And Earning Potential

There are some jobs, typically entry-level positions, that don’t require extensive skills or long-term training, and the pay scale reflects that fact. The opposite end of the spectrum has jobs/careers that require years of study, but they also come with high financial rewards. These positions are filled by fewer people and can often have shortages. As a result, they’re typically some of the best-paying jobs available While you’ll have to commit extensive time and money to prepare for them, the following careers could be more than worth the effort.

Postsecondary Teachers

Postsecondary teachers typically teach at universities, although they’re also employed at a range of other third-level institutions. These can include community colleges, private companies, and non-profit organizations. They’ll usually specialize in certain topics or areas and are considered experts in their field like Dr Timothy Steel who teaches at the University of Notre Dame, Australia, and practices his specialty of minimally invasive spine surgery as well.

This career requires extensive education to land a good job, especially for larger institutions. Additionally, it’s not uncommon for postsecondary teachers to continue learning about their areas of expertise. In many cases, a Ph.D. is required for top jobs. At community colleges and similar institutions, however, a master’s degree could be enough. Whether or not these jobs come with a high salary depends on the institution and the position itself.

Medical Professionals

Medical professionals are among those who need to spend more time pursuing educational degrees or certifications. What may be surprising, however, is exactly how long this process takes. Of course, it can vary dramatically depending on the role itself. Doctors that specialize in particular areas, such as heart and brain surgery, need much more training than other types of physicians, for example.

It’s not uncommon to hear that certain medical professionals have been studying for close to a decade. Then there are clinical rotations and residencies to consider. These will often take a year or two, at a minimum. Specialties and subspecialties can affect this timeframe significantly. It’s easy to see why being a medical professional takes so much training, however. After all, people’s lives are in the hands of these professionals.


Physicists conduct countless experiments and analyze important data that can help us live better and safer lives on the planet. They’re also responsible for developing their results to form concrete solutions to current problems. Physicists also use extremely high-tech equipment for a multitude of projects. Because of the extensive information in this field, most physicists choose to specialize in a sect of the field. Though it’s possible to get an entry-level role in this field with a bachelor’s degree, it’s uncommon to progress further without more education.

To advance, you’d typically need to earn a master’s degree or a Ph.D. to become eligible for higher roles. Some of the best-paying jobs often need a more extensive education. You’ll not only make a significant amount of money, but you could make a difference in many people’s lives. 

About Caroline Stewart

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