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be hopeful about the future

3 Reasons To Be Hopeful About The Future

There is a lot of doom and gloom in the news and media today. Just look at the internet or switch on the TV for the latest muck. Depressing news and despondent opinions about the future can overwhelm your nervous system and change your mood. But there is no need to be downhearted. In many ways, the future is brighter than ever. That said, world advancements and strengths of the next generation are promising. Not convinced? Here are three reasons to be hopeful about the future.

Negativity Bias

be hopeful about the futureIt may seem like bad news dramatically overwhelms the good, but this is not the case. It could be negativity bias. This is when people pay more attention to negative stories compared to positive ones. This is the case for social media and news websites that are so prevalant today. An article about the cost-of-living crisis will get more views and interactions than an uplifting post about a fireman rescuing a litter of cute puppies or an amazing medical breakthrough.

Try to break the cycle of doom scrolling by limiting your exposure to social media and news. Only consume what is necessary for you to stay up to date. Spend more time offline, soaking up nature and working on yourself. You will soon realize the world is better than you think.

Technological Advances

Scientists are always coming up with new ideas and inventions to improve our future. Smartphones and the internet have revolutionized our lives, and there are new technologies advances all the time to help us be more efficient, healthy, and happy.

Aditionally, medical advancements are helping people live longer, and this will only improve. Just look at the impressive speed with which the Covid vaccines were created. And the cure for cancer is getting closer and closer. Recent developments like robotic-assisted surgery, optoacoustic imaging, and brain implants may all seem like science-fiction but are very much real and making waves in medicine.

The Next Generation

Each generation improves upon the one that came before it. Young people today are more determined to make the world better. Studies show that Gen Z and Gen Alpha youths are demonstrably more tolerant and active than their forefathers. When it comes to subjects like world peace, LGBTQIA+ rights, environmental activism, and racial equality, young people are great.

Social media has boosted the ease with which ethical campaigns are shared and taken up. The youth of today are all vocally fighting for different causes. Adults push against the archaic views of their parents and grandparents, and that won’t stop. Because of this, up and coming generations will make the world a much better place than it is today.

Don’t worry about lies ahead. Live your best life and do what you can to improve the world. The future is as bright as we can imagine and commit to creating. You are a valuble asset to our future, and you have every reason to be hopeful about the future.

About Caroline Stewart

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