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3 Ways To Navigate Tinnitus

If you’re experiencing signs of hearing loss, there is a chance it could be tinnitus. Any changes to your hearing can be quite concerning, especially if you’re not “old enough” to have this type of problem. But, we have to remember that there are many people of varying ages who have Tinnitus. It’s important to understand what is happening and if there is anything you can do about it. Talk to your doctor about any changes in your hearing immediately. Here are a few tips to help you navigate Tinnitus.

Navigate Tinnitus #1: Listen To Your Specialist

It’s important to first listen to your doctor about all that could be causing the Tinnitus and even hearing loss. He or she can direct you to any therapies, procedures, or tools to help you gain back control. In many cases, Tinnitus and any damage or loss can be reversed, depending on the cause. Should things get to the point of needing equipment, it’s also important to get help with choosing hearing aids and fitting them to your specific needs.  

Navigate Tinnitus #2: Minimizing the Symptoms

Tinnitus can be exacerbated by stress, as well as diet. Additionally, some medications can actually cause Tinnitus. Check with your doctor for options with meds and managing symptoms. Also, consider how much time you spend listening to loud music, games, or wearing headphones. Too much of these things can definitely create hearing problems. Be honest with your doctor about everything you can think of. Minimize your exposure to any loud sounds, especially if they are continual.

Navigate Tinnitus #3: Talk about Your Feelings and Loss

As we are diagnosed with a condition that limits our lives, grief and even depression can set in. With hearing conditions, some people avoid social situations because they don’t want to reveal their weakness. Asking people to repeat themselves and not hearing what everyone else does can be frustrating. After all, you may have been withdrawing for a while prior to this diagnosis.

Now that you know there is a reason for your struggles, you can begin to work through things.  Speak to loved ones about how you’re feeling and let them know what you need from them. Of course, if you have any signs of depression, talk to your health care provider as soon as possible.

Tinnitus is actually a common condition that can be treated in some cases. And, in fact, there are many people that live with it without needing treatment or intervention. Do remember, though, you are amazing just the way you are, no matter what challenges you have. Be well, my friends!

**** This post is strictly informational and is not meant to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Women’s lifelink, it’s owners, administrators, contributors, affiliates, vendors, authors and editors do not claim that this information will diagnose, treat, or improve any condition or disease.

About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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