This post was a collaboration and may contain affiliate links. Little Mary wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She loves people and making them fell better. However, for Mary and many other young dreamers out there, reality might just end those dreams. It takes a long commitment and a lot of money to get through the process to become a doctor of any kind. Don’t worry, little Mary doesn’t have to stoop to committing a felony to see her dreams come true. Fortunately, for those who find schooling and the price tag too much, there are many other ways to work in the medical community. Here are 4 quality healthcare jobs that don’t require medical school.
Quality Healthcare Jobs #1: Administrator
It’s estimated that around a third of your average doctor’s time is taken up by administrative tasks. So it’s vital for hospitals to hire good workers who are skilled at keeping things running. Though a hospital administrator is certainly expected to know a lot about the industry, you needn’t go to college for multiple degrees to be good at it. Some establishments might require a 4-year degree, however. Medical coding and handling insurance claims are jobs that do have special training you can get at a trade school.
Quality Healthcare Jobs #2: Medical Assistant
Don’t underestimate the importance of assistants to doctors and dentists. They administer injections, do blood tests, X-ray preparations. They also do a bulk of the communication with patients. There are quality schools that offer certification training to become a medical or dental assistant. Research schools in your area or go here for more information.
Quality Healthcare Jobs #3: Caregiver
Some people call them social care workers or personal care assistants. These are the people who help others who are generally homebound and need frequent medical assistance. This could be done for the elderly, disabled, or even someone with a mental health issue such as severe depression or Alzheimer’s disease. You don’t need a degree to do it, but training courses are often necessary. You need to be trustworthy and responsible.
Quality Healthcare Jobs #4: Healthcare Educator
This is one job you could do simply with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in education. It would also help to have a minor in some type of healthcare topic. Healthcare educators may teach students about health problems or work in any number of public organizations. They also help develop educational programs for the community or local schools. Educators in the healthcare field work in hospitals, schools, councils, and other health-related establishments.