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4 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself During Lockdown

With the recent Covid-19 pandemic, we are all experiencing unprecedented changes, including sheltering in place in some areas. Where our lives were previously filled with work, taking the kids here and there, and a laundry list of other tasks, the focus is now primarily on staying healthy and caring for the home and family.

Being in lockdown and following government rules with social distancing, staying fit, and caring for yourself may seem challenging. After all, we can’t just run to the gym, spa, or specialty stores like we used to. However, now is not the time to give up the basic elements of self-care. Here are some ways to take care of yourself during the lockdown.

Stick to a Routine 

While you may not be able to stick to your regular routine right now, you can adapt to the changes and create a new sense of normal. I recommend trying to keep your sleep and exercise patterns the same if you can. These two things can really impact general health for the good or bad.

Even if you no longer have to make a long commute to get to work, do still get up in the morning as you would normally. It might be very tempting to stay in bed for a few extra hours, and while this okay once in a while, it won’t fare well for your mood, metabolism, and energy. 

Catch up on Personal Tasks

We all know how easy it is to procrastinate the things we don’t want to do. Most of us have made the long to-do lists, only to ignore them for days. The lockdown is a perfect opportunity to clear your mind and finally organize some of what you’ve put off.

Whether it’s making contact with friends, family, business contacts, or your serious injury attorneys from a previous accident or getting your personal finances in order, using this time wisely is an excellent way to ease your normal task load. Not only will it help to organize your personal life but also clear and focus your mind for future projects.

Stay Fit

Whether you were someone who regularly exercised at the gym, went for a run each day, or just relied on your active job to keep you fit, it is still important to stay on top of physical health throughout the lockdown. In truth, it’s even more important to do so now than it was before.

Whether you go for a jog, a gentle stroll or a cycle make sure you make the effort to get outside and keep your body and mind fit and focused. If you’re not keen on going outdoors, there are plenty of ways you can keep fit inside. Try a new workout video from an app or YouTube or lift a few small weights. 

Eat Well and Limit Indulgences 

Although the government advised against stockpiling, it didn’t stop people from doing it. This made even finding certain foods and supplies nearly impossible in some cases. Thankfully, the stock levels in the majority of supermarkets are at a normal level with only a few items scarce such as flour, meats, and eggs. This doesn’t mean that you can’t eat a healthy diet during this difficult time.

There are places now putting together fruit and veggie, meat, and vegetarian boxes that contain enough food for a week of healthy meals. Though this service will be a little pricier than buying things from the market, it will save you risky trips to the market or waiting for delivery.

It can be tempting to forget about eating well at this time, but building your immune system and staying healthy is a priority. Avoid or limit indulgences like processed sugar, fried foods, and alcohol. You are likely to move a lot less than normal and therefore overindulging could lead to weight gain and other issues.


About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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