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9 Tests To Consider For Your Baby

Having a baby is a life-changing experience. All newborn parents want the best for their little ones, and this often means sending them for genetic testing. Genetic testing, also known as DNA testing, is the study of a person’s DNA in order to identify genetic differences or susceptibility to certain diseases. Here is a list of the types of tests that can be done. 

Auditory Brainstem Response Testing (ABR)

tests ti consider for your babyAuditory brainstem response is a test used to detect hearing loss in babies. Hearing loss can be hereditary and this test will help you determine if it passed on to your baby. ABR, or auditory brainstem response measures electrical activity in the brain in response to stimuli. 

Newborn Screening Test

A newborn screening test is a screening test done right after the birth of a baby. This screening test will show genetic conditions such as cystic fibrosis or sickle cell anemia. This is particularly important if any family history of these conditions exists.

Chromosomal Tests:

Chromosomal tests are used to identify structural or numerical irregularities that may affect your baby’s health. Structural or numerical irregularities can include Down Syndrome, Edward’s syndrome, or Patau syndrome.

Ultrasound Tests:

Ultrasound tests are imaging tests that use sound waves to create an image of a baby’s growing parts and organs. These tests are used to check for any fetal abnormalities. 


Amniocentesis is a prenatal test that takes a sample of amniotic fluid from the mother’s uterus. This sample is then analyzed for any signs of disease or genetic disorders. 

Non-Invasive Prenatal Testing (NIPT):

Non-invasive prenatal testing is a method used that determines the risk of certain genetic abnormalities in a fetus. These tests analyze samples of DNA found in the mother’s blood.

Carrier Screening:

Carrier screening tests are performed to find potential genetic diseases where both parents can be the carriers. In addition, this type of testing is used to detect any inherited genetic disorders that may be present in the family of the baby. 

Apgar Score: 

Apgar score is a test given to newborns shortly after birth to assess their overall health. The score is based on five criteria: heart rate, breathing, muscle tone, and skin color. A low score can indicate that the baby needs medical attention.

Preimplantation testing:

This test is not specifically for babies born but focuses more on parents interested in vitro fertilization. Preimplantation testing is a test used for people who want to conceive via in vitro fertilization. This process involves screening the embryos for genetic abnormalities. If the embryos are without abnormalities, it is implanted in the uterus. 

Overall, genetic tests can provide important insight into potential health risks associated with your baby’s genes and can help you make informed decisions about their future health. Although these tests are recommended, it is important to remember that they are not mandatory. The decision to have them done should always be discussed with a doctor or healthcare provider beforehand. With the right information in hand, you can ensure that your child gets off to a healthy start in life.  

**** This post is strictly informational and is not meant to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Women’s lifelink, its owners, administrators, contributors, affiliates, vendors, authors, and editors do not claim that this information will diagnose, treat, or improve any condition or disease.


About Caroline Stewart

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