Home / Health / 90 Day Health Challenge: Week 4

90 Day Health Challenge: Week 4

It Wouldn’t Be a Challenge If It Wasn’t Hard

I’d love to say that this challenge has been easy for me.  But I’d be lying.  So, when women say that fitness, eating right, and doing all those other healthy things take a back seat to caring for their babies/toddlers, just believe them.

The neck thing was an issue too.  It is better though, thanks to Dr. Heidi Kline, D.C., my new chiropractor.

Fitness – It has been such a struggle to get exercise in, unless you consider chasing the Missy Moo away from the kitchen drawers and the toilet good exercise.  I guess it does get my heart pumping sometimes – in a frustrated sort of way.

I did manage to get a few walks in though.

The Tai Chi DVD has not seen the light of day as of yet.

Water – This has never before been a challenge for me .  What gives?  I just keep forgetting to drink it.  I think I have to get a strap on bottle and carry it around with me.

Weight – No significant weight loss this week…not suprised.  With caramel apples and chocolate custard on the menu for my son’s birthday this week, I didn’t have a chance.  There’s always next week.  Just to let you know, we celebrate 4 birthdays in the month of August.  You all understand my dilemma there.

Tea – I love my green tea!  I have some new yummy ones to try, compliments of Red Leaf Tea.  I will be doing a review on their wonderful selection of international teas very soon.

Detox – I have been wearing my foot detox pads every night.  However, I still can’t tell if they are doing anything.  I’ll let you know when I come to a conclusion about them.  The colon still needs to be addressed before I start on new vitamins.  Dr. Terri, I’ll be coming in soon!

I hope you all are at least trying to make some form of change in the health department.  Just remember to be as consistent as you can.  Don’t give up just because you can’t be perfect.  I’m going to keep at it for the entire 12 weeks even if I just accomplish one thing.  Let me know how you are doing with your goals.  Be well-be beautiful.

Photo by Venasque

About Kellie R. Stone

"I make no excuses for my diverse roles as a Rock Your Feminine Type Coach™ and Branding Expert, best-selling author, and crime thriller novelist. Yes, I do still chuckle a bit at the irony. I kick ass as a women’s biz coach by day and kill off vulnerable fiction characters at night. What the hell, it makes for some interesting dreams. I believe that everyone should pursue their passions no matter how out there they seem to be. One of those pure heart-fluttering passions for me has always been writing. Since I did, indeed, chase my dream of being a writer, I've published two non-fiction books in the self-development genre, co-authored an international best seller, and now I'm finally pushing my much-too-old-to-be-in-the-nest novel out the door and into the world. My whole world is empowering and I adore showing others how to live life unfiltered, whether I do that through the written word or my coaching work. I love my job!" ~Kellie R. Stone

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