Home / Inner Journey / Empowerment / Be Goldilocks
Remember the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? Just like Goldilocks, we question things in our lives. We test things. Taking a look at our lives is something we can forget to do with day-to-day stress. Goldilocks did not just know which porridge was the right porridge. She tested each bowl. Now, I won't get into the fact that she broke in the Bear's home in this story that might presently be banned from many schools because it promotes criminal behavior... Nonetheless, she tested which porridge was too hot, too cool and just right.

Be Goldilocks

Too Much, Too Little or Just Right?

Remember the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears? Just like Goldilocks, we question things in our lives. We test things…well, hopefully. Taking a look at our lives is something we can forget to do with day-to-day stress and challenges.

Goldilocks did not just assume which porridge was the right porridge. She tested each bowl. Now, I won’t get into the fact that she broke into the Bear’s home in this story that might presently be banned from many schools because it promotes criminal behavior… Nonetheless, we can learn from her.  She took the time to find the answers that served her needs in the most efficient way.

We all have varying tolerance levels to pressure, heat, and stress, but we may not know where those boundaries are.  She knew her comfort level with every aspect of her life.  Why?  Because she experimented and tested things out for herself.  We can glean an important lesson from her actions in this story.  Know yourself and where your deepest desires and needs are…and know how to find them. Take care of yourself.

The better you know yourself, the better your relationship with the rest of the world.

—Toni Collette


Ask yourself these questions:

  • Do you say yes to everything?
  • Do you say yes to nothing?
  • Are you stressed to the max even before you are out of bed?
  • When you lay down at night are you bombarded by everything you could not accomplish that day because you were doing more for everyone else?

I am not promoting selfishness when I say that you need to take care of you but a far more important concept of self-love.  If you do not take care of things that are in your heart, the actions of helping others may become sloppy.

Take some time to be Goldilocks and test some things out, question where your boundaries are.
Are you doing too much? Too little? Or is everything just right?  Do you know what your needs are?


Another Goldilocks 🙂

About Karin Rochelle

My desire is to reach out to women with three goals in mind. Encourage. Enlighten. Engage. I also carry these desires into my music. This year I hope to expand my horizons not just for myself, but for those around me. I would like to encourage women to build each other up, to take risks and focus on goals and succeed in the challenges of everyday life. Nothing is too hard to accomplish with a support system. I want to enlighten or reconnect them to concepts they hold dear but have fallen away from, teaching how to make wiser decisions that not only focus on personal well being but that of mankind.

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