It all started a couple weeks ago. I had a real conversation with someone who actually believes in the same things I do - someone who values old school beliefs and finds peace in his universe, as well as understands how we manifest our lives. The conversation flowed for almost 6 hours, and by the end, I felt immense joy. We shared so many thoughts. Those first couple days were truly amazing. There were no uncomfortable silences. The laughs flowed as easily as the feelings that carried them. He was so beautiful to me. However, after just a few days, reality forced its way in, and I realized this would not last forever.
Read More »Life’s Stepping Stones
Stepping stones of all shapes and sizes are used in gardens to make the path easier to see and also to make it more decorative. Something I find interesting about stepping stones is that the path has already been chosen by the gardener and then she lays the stepping stones. Some decorate the stones with beads, gemstones, glitter and other smaller stones and glass to make the stepping stones more distinctive. This gives us an awesome analogy for our lives.
Read More »Fierce And Feminine, Fighting For Future
Happy International Women's Day everyone! I hope this day finds you thankful for your unique feminine qualities and strength. I truly believe there is a fierce women's movement happening on the planet today. This forward motion is driven by women just like you and me who desire change and a safe, blissful future for ourselves, families, and generations to come. Though, I support the idea of one woman bringing change to the planet, I know how much more groups of women banding together, collaborating and fighting for truth, can multiply that change exponentially.
Read More »How To Believe In Yourself Part 1: The 180
Someone Worth Believing In That's the real problem, isn't it? Not that we can't believe in ourselves, but that we don't think we are worth believing least part(s) of ourselves. But, Kellie, we are upstanding, productive women of the world, right? We couldn't possibly have that kind of self-esteem problem. Hummpfff...think again, ladies.
Read More »3 Things That Can Ruin Your Life
As much as I really don't enjoy thinking about negative things, let alone writing about them, I realized how important this post could be for someone (or a few someones) out there. Hunkered down under my comforter at midnight, I began to ponder exactly what have been the top three hindrances to the success level I desire in any given area of my life. A little too heavy for pre-sleep, but the thoughts were pushing their way out and not taking NO for an answer.
Read More »Be An Artist Of The Soul
Creating the life you desire is in itself a true miracle. Understand, I don't say this lightly. It's not that obtaining real, lasting happiness is as sparsely experienced as we think miracles are these days. On the contrary, it's time to start thinking about what miracles really are and how often we dismiss the possibility of seeing them in our own lives.
Read More »Soaring Feminine Spirit
Sorry about the lateness of my's already Monday in some parts of the world. Anyway, I'd like to share a piece of prose that was an exercise from our exclusive email community. That's why you didn't see it on Women's Creative Life Link. So, if you haven't already signed up for our weekly newsletter, please do today so you don't miss the next issue. The form is in the right sidebar and says "Want To Bring Out Your Creative Mojo?" The exercise was to creatively express your femininity. And because writing is my main form of self-expression, I chose to share the following...
Read More »Chicka Chicka Kicked My Butt!
As a woman it's sometimes difficult to devote time and evergy to self-improvement, let alone spare any to have fun. I'm sure some of you can relate to this self-denial, as kids, spouse, job(s), the house, school, and simply keeping up with life often take most of our energy. Does it really have to be this way?
Read More »Message From The Future
Another amazing video came to my attention today. The following message is universal and powerful. No matter what your spiritual beliefs are, you can glean from the content. I felt so peaceful and full of joy after watching it....something I need right now. As a woman who cares about helping others and sharing quality resources to my readers, I had to post it!
Read More »The Best Energy Jewelry
I received this in my inbox from my friend Deborah Stuart, metaphysics expert and owner of HighChi Jewelry. If you ever wished that your jewelry had more purpose than just looking stylish, here's what you've been looking for. I love how beautiful her pieces are! And how powerful!
Read More »Am I Beautiful?
I received this in my inbox this morning and had to share it with you "beautiful" women. You WILL find it inspiring and deeply moving at the same time. Please pass it on to every woman you know who could use a kind word, a springboard to her greatness...
Read More »Top Five Picks for Whole and Happy Living
As I get older (and hopefully wiser) I have come to know how important it is to see and know ourselves as complex beings that require maintenance in all areas in order to thrive and be everything we're meant to be. Over a lifetime, I've learned keys to doing just that (not that I've mastered them all, but at least I try). I'd like to share some of those with you as we approach yet another year and opportunity to make life changes that serve us and our fellow mankind.
Read More »How to Keep Going When Life Get’s Hard
Do you go through cycles of great emotional swings that take you from elation to the depths of despair in short periods of time? Do you wonder why you can't seem to keep things even-keeled and running smoothly? Do you wish you weren't constantly moved by your circumstances whether good or bad?
Read More »A Woman’s Power to Change Things
As women, we naturally guide the heart-center and atmosphere of our homes. We feel more; we believe more; and we certainly create enthusiasm when we need to. And, unfortunately, we can also tear down every thing we’ve worked for with that same power when it’s influenced by negative emotions that don’t serve us. If you despair over circumstances or a difficult situation to the point of emotional compromise, your family feels it. They follow you whether you want them to or not.
Read More »“Drive-by” Emotions
One of the most poisonous thoughts anyone can have is this: I can't. Have you ever considered how many times you've rehearsed that statement in your mind? You don't even have to say the words out loud or clearly identify them consciously for them to have a negative impact on your life. After a while the implication of not being able to do or receive something comes in the form of what I call "drive-by" feelings." Let me explain...
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