Do people tell you all the time that you are confident? Does being the center of attention get you revved up for your day or week? And one last question: Do you know the difference between being confident in yourself and being vain? I'm not here to answer those questions; that you have to do all on your own. Sorry. What I am going to tell you is my perspective on the topic and how your understanding of yourself can catapult you to new heights in your life.
Read More »One White Duck
Do you ever just see yourself, your life, and your future as being a part of one big scene of camouflaged wilderness? You all seems to blend in without uniqueness or boldness. I had an experience as I was looking out on the lake last night, and I valued it so much, I thought it worthy of posting. It's extremely dark in the area where I live.
Read More »Take the Power
Hi everyone! I've been taking time to work out some family stuff recently and have not posted the usual daily article. I found a poem by Susan Polis Schultz that really spoke to me this week and wanted to share it with you. Be well-be beautiful-be happy.
Read More »Emotional Milestones
Facing adversity is a part of life...sorry, that was sort of a DUH statement. It is in times of trial that we really see what we're made of. All of the bugs come out of the woodwork so to speak. And some of them can be big and ugly. I want you to think about how you handle hard events and emotional trial.
Read More »Why Do I Get Emotional Ups and Downs?
Ah, those wonderful - and cursed - emotions, earning the right to compete with the most thrilling and frightening of roller-coasters. I'm not talking about the extremes that would land you a bi-polar diagnosis, no, just the ordinary ones that take you from one day to the next; the ones that may, on occasion, make you question your sanity but are benign...for the most part.
Read More »How Do I Know I Need Help?
"The great blessings of mankind are within us and within our reach; but we shut our eyes, and like people in the dark, we fall foul upon the very thing we search for, without finding it." ˜Seneca (7 B.C. - 65 A.D.)
Read More »What Motivates Me?
As I was "introspecting" myself, I really wanted to get in touch with what motivates me to keep going, to press through difficulties, to see the finish line...if there is one. The question is really an easy one for me to answer on some levels, but for the deeper issues, it's not quite as simple.
Read More »Am I Attached To My Problems?
IntrospectiveSunday This is an interesting (almost disturbing) question that I just had to ask. While in prayer/meditation last night, I actually asked if I could …
Read More »The Courage To Be Me…The Courage To Be You
I've been thinking a lot about courage and confidence lately, so much so that it's having a positive effect on me and the way I'm dealing with new situations. You know that I really do act on the things that I talk about here...don't you?
Read More »Introspective Sunday: What Is Your Question?
I guess this self-focus is really just another way of getting to know the real you. It's a good way to get to the bottom of any destructive behavior that might be popping up.
Read More »Am I Needy?
There aren't too many women out there who could say that they didn't need something, whether it be clothes, kitchen utensils, a man, a job, a car; it's human nature to expand their list of possessions.
Read More »Am I All That…
IntrospectiveSunday Allow me to finish that question: Am I all that I’m supposed to be? Probably not…I don’t think any of us are. What we …
Read More »Do I Have Emotional Baggage?
Women know better than anyone what it feels like to carry around a big, heavy purse for any length of time. And if you're like me, such a bag is usually necessary to bring along all the things I need for my children and my own indulgences. Though physically we can handle extra weight (for awhile), we are not meant to carry around emotional baggage. What am I talking about? You know....really, you do. That job crisis you had last year; the fight you had with your husband; the breast cancer scare from three years ago; the rejection from sixth grade...
Read More »What Is Your State of Mind, Really?
Today's world bombards us with pictures of the perfect life. Most of which are not even fair to be promoted as ideals - illusions at best.
Read More »Fortunate Friday: Truth
A woman's day is filled with opportunities. We give, receive, love, hate; we choose in which direction our lives go; we seek truth or we settle for less. It's up to us to find true joy and fulfillment.
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