Have you ever wondered why you feel more alive when you are looking forward to something. It could be the family vacation, a long awaited reunion with an old friend, or something as simple as getting a facial. I've often found that a heightened level of anticipation brings a happiness that isn't found through any other source.
Read More »Spiritual Enlightenment: A Woman’s Emotional “Neti Pot”
It dawned on me today that when we are not spiritually and emotionally sound, we can't be our best - the women that we are meant to be. You know, like when your allergies are acting up; you don't put your best foot forward because you're too busy blowing your nose and trying to breathe - nothing feels right. This is the equivalent of being emotionally stuck in second gear; you can't seem to get where you want to go at the speed you need to get there.
Read More »The Wounded Child Within
How many of us have gazed into the mirror only to see ourselves at an earlier age, an age in which circumstances have left us in a drama of life that we were forever trying to forget; one that we thought we had buried, and yet time has brought forth the resurfacing of misdirected and scattered emotions – often those that have wounded and left us in a state of despair? Why is it we would choose to carry the burden of unpleasant memories rather than allowing them to be released with love and forgiveness, or at least understanding?
Read More »The Best Natural Products for Body, Mind, and Spirit
Say Goodbye to Muscle Tension While undergoing chiropractic treatment years ago, I was introduced to, Formula 303, one of the best natural products I have ever used. With a boat load of kids at home and the usual "mom chores" waiting for my attention, I found myself often stressed and aching. It wasn't surprising when my shoulders, neck, and lower back were all in knots most of the time. Because I'm sensitive to most medications like muscle relaxers and pain killers, I was thrilled that there was a safe product to relieve my pain and tension.
Read More »Take a Close Look
There comes a time in every woman's life when she has to take a close look at herself. Not at her circumstance, not at what she did, not how unfair life is, or at who made you do it. She has to just look at herself in all her glory and imperfection. Have you ever admired a woman who has been through changes in her life? Or have you made up in your mind that she is just messed up. Before you make this mistake, take a closer look.
Read More »Anger Management
Anger Management Anger is like a destructive bacteria growing everywhere; it's in our homes, our workplaces, and every store we step foot into. You can't go anywhere these days without hearing a mom yell at her kids or witness a disgruntled driver flip the bird to an old lady who accidentally pulled out in front of him. In fact, you may have even been that mom or driver. Whether we are the ones who are angry or the recipients of the heated emotion, we can all honestly say that nothing good usually comes of it.
Read More »A Good Time to Change
Believe it or not, there's nothing that says let's make some changes like getting kicked in the face or being thrown down to the mattress with a month long bout of pneumonia. The fact is, pain and adversity have long been keys to some of the greatest triumphs in history...my life has been no exception.
Read More »How To Change (For Real)
It's easy to see in our society that we have become a people with need for quick fixes, high speed everything, and a broad spectrum of ways to change things we don't like about ourselves. I agree that progress and vanity has vaulted us into this way of thinking; however, not everything should be done quickly just because it's possible. True self-improvement is one of those things. Though many small steps can be taken along the journey, the total project will take some time to accomplish, so leave your microwave mentality behind.
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