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Remember the good old days? Those years when you went to primary school, hung around with your mates, did what you parents told you to do, went to high school, thought about what you wanted to do; there were a few choices back then. Would you go to University or would you go to Tech School, would you pursue a career or a trade? Or, hey, what if you wanted to bum for a while and take a year long travel hiatus then come back and get a job… it was all possible.

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Success Constipation

Photo by Rays-animelover IntrospectiveSunday I know this is sort of a gross analogy, but I really think it’s the best one for what I want …

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Personal Success

Do you remember the last time you really knocked your own socks off with a feat of your personal best? The pride that fills your heart; the praise you get from others; the sudden feeling that you have made your mark on the world all melt into your experience like the best hot fudge you've ever tasted.

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The Best Interview Strategies: Part IV

Interviewing for a new job can be one of the most stressful events in your life - unless you are prepared and confident about your ability to make a good impression. We have discussed your resume, personal appearance, and some communication techniques. Today, I would like to address the technique for interview damage control.

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The Best Interview Strategies: Part II

By this time most of you should be familiar with technology and its benefits, at least enough to type a resume and send an email. But regardless of how advanced modern job hunting can get, I still think it's smart to have good-old-fashioned copies of your resume. Start with a formatted version in a Word program; keep it simple and clean.

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The Best Interview Strategies: Part I

With many companies shifting financial priorities, laying off employees, and tightening their belts all around, it is imperative to be ready for anything, including the dreaded task of hunting down and securing a new job. Unfortunately, millions have already suffered consequences of the economy crunch and found themselves without a job.

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Office Health Risks

Every day, millions of women spend 8-10 hours sitting in an office chair or desk in order to do their job. They think about getting that last report done, calling that client, impressing the boss, but what they may not think about is how their job might be a health risk.

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