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Embracing Beauty

Feature Photo by Kameolynnkarin rochelle

Have things in your life been a struggle? Maybe things have just been constrictive or you feel stuck. Maybe you are frustrated with a situation you just cannot seem to get past.

Lately I have had butterflies on my mind. No, not the nervous butterflies in the tummy but the beautiful, flighty, colorful creatures that take to the sky and land on the wild flowers. They do not stay in one place long, but before those beautiful moments of flight, they were caterpillars snug tight in their cocoons. That is where they go through metamorphosis. Changes. There are stages to their growth. And then, when the time is right, the cocoons tears away to reveal the colorful winged creatures that take flight.

Comparisons to the Butterfly

1. We all go through stages of growth. We do not stay the same. Each event that takes place in our lives, allows us to strengthen and flourish. Sometimes those events are self-created and other times someone else causes them. While many times the growth is painful, we cannot know what joy is unless we have experienced pain. I encourage you to become strong, no matter the situation you are in. Your metamorphosis is not too far away.

2. Caterpillars are pretty bland looking, compared to the beauty of a butterfly. Understanding that your “blandness” is temporary and will become a  full spectrum of color when you break away from your cocoon should help you to respect your place in the process as well as that of others. Hopefully, it will end the constant comparison to the success of those around you.  We are all unique and cannot judge ourselves based on someone else’s progress.

3. Once you have your wings, take to the sky! Soar! Do not just sit there on the branch and watch the world go by. There is so much to see! Do not go stir crazy, hoping the world pauses for you.  Move forward no matter what.

Have you ever been in a butterfly garden? I visited one in Raleigh, North Carolina a few years ago. It was so lovely to take in all the different kinds of butterflies. Some would fly together and some would venture off on their own. There are 15,000-20,000 species of butterflies throughout the world. We humans also have a world of differences in race, nationalities, cultures, religions, and more. But, no matter which type of the butterfly or human you look at, there is beauty.

Embrace yours…


Broken But Beautiful by Karin Rochelle

Colliding Into Beauty by Karin Rochelle




About Karin Rochelle

My desire is to reach out to women with three goals in mind. Encourage. Enlighten. Engage. I also carry these desires into my music. This year I hope to expand my horizons not just for myself, but for those around me. I would like to encourage women to build each other up, to take risks and focus on goals and succeed in the challenges of everyday life. Nothing is too hard to accomplish with a support system. I want to enlighten or reconnect them to concepts they hold dear but have fallen away from, teaching how to make wiser decisions that not only focus on personal well being but that of mankind.

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  1. As usual I love your way of making important connections with nature. And the butterfly is such an inspiration for us all. Stay Beautiful!

    “You are beautiful. Yes, you. Look at yourself in the mirror. If God has ever created anything in the universe more beautiful than you, it is a secret. Because nowhere can it be found. You are a being of beauty. Share the beauty of you today, and you will experience it!” -Neale Donald Walsch

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