Pardon the drift away from the normal tidbit post on Tuesday; I wanted to share something that I believe will change the way you think about your body and its ability to communicate. For a long time, I have known that if you give your body what it needs, it will heal itself. Well, recently I’ve discovered that it actually tells you what it needs. Let me explain.
I have suffered with chronic migraine and daily headache for around nine years now; most of that time I’ve spent trying to figure out what my body needs in order to stop the debilitating cycle of pain. One of the steps to my personal healing is finding peace with my body. I’ve made progress but still have some work to do.
While practicing deep breathing and relaxation techniques, I have developed a deeper sense of what each part of my body is feeling. Whether it’s pain, numbness, tension or irritation, I’m beginning to take note of what signals I’m getting. It’s easy to recognize pain as pain, but there are more subtle sensations that may go unnoticed if you don’t purposely focus on them. Last night I did this and the results amazed me.
An Inner Voice
Discovering that my body has been passing specific information to me all along floored me. I found that my whole upper region is extremely unbalanced and tense; my ears are inflamed; my lungs are struggling with environmental allergies from the past and present. How did I come to hear these things? Simple. I focused on each part of my body and listened until I heard something. I know it may sound “cosmic” and “weird” to some of you, but I assure you our bodies are capable of much more than that.
I’ve known forever that I carry stress and tension in my upper body, so that was not new to me. However, the other areas of trouble need to be confirmed by a physician, and soon. Just one organ or system not working properly can bring on a slew of problems and cause a serious imbalance of all the systems if left unchecked.
So, I guess my thought for you today is simple: pay attention to every sensation your body feels and make note of what you hear and intuitively understand. This might take you some practice if you’re not used to being still and meditating. Let us know how you do, and please share any experiences that you’ve had with self-awareness. Be well-be beautiful.
Photo by Clashed