Happiness, Love, Financial Abundance, Health – all things that most women want in their lives, but what about the details? How do you know what job or mate is best for you? How do you know when it’s time to do something different? These questions are common, can be mind-boggling, and sure don’t come with stock answers. Many variables exist in our experience. One decision can make or break your future. No pressure or anything. So, really, how do you know if what you think you want is the right thing?
Here’s the thing, Ladies…you can’t. At least not completely. Every choice you make has some risk involved. There are no guarantees that the end result will please you or others. This thing called life is an adventure, isn’t it?
Let me share a couple things that might help.
Balance is really the key to knowing what will be good for you. The three parts of your being (Body, Mind, Spirit) are always fighting for attention. And, occasionally, we give into to one a little too much. You know what I’m talking about. If you don’t, try journaling your daily activities so you can see exactly how much time you spend on each area. You might be surprised. Our choices will be more productive when we are in harmony with ourselves.
Additionally, our spirits are quite capable of hearing from a Divine Higher Power (I’m not talking about your boss or overbearing sister, either). Feel free to ask questions…often. I talk to God all the time. If you are unsure about what you believe concerning spiritual issues, it’s okay to seek until you find what you are looking for. When you do, I have a feeling that those decisions won’t be so difficult to make. Be well-be beautiful.
Photo by AndreasResch
I ask these questions regularly. Yesterday, I tried a meditation in the bathtub asking what needs to be written first. I change my mind so often that it’s quite difficult to reign in the monkeys. I keep thinking the story I’m writing isn’t the one but it seems it is. I just need to add some different twists and turns.
I voice what I am thinking often and it seems to help me get some clarity and I’m often told that I am ‘doing’ much better than I am ‘feeling’.
We don’t see ourselves very well because we are looking ‘out’ so I turn to those I trust and get a different perspective. It helps to keep me on track regardless of how I feel.
Creative women can have many “things” going on in their minds at once. Trust me; I know the feeling. I try to offer myself as a vessel during meditation and prayer. This surrender gives the opportunity to receive what will honor you and bring the greater good to the earth. Feeling yourself be a significant offering to the overall joy and peace of the planet is invigorating. It is in that peace that we find purpose and direction.