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Tag Archives: Adversity

Life Change: One Tip You Need to Hear

As a part of my "Beautiful Woman" interviews I always ask "do you have any regrets?". I believe for most women it's easy to see the "errors of our ways" when it comes to the progression of our lives. However, having regrets means that you would likely change something if you could. I was thinking about how destructive that attitude can be to our life journey. Bottom line: if we changed one thing, we would change everything - even the blessings.

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Should I Take My Dreams Seriously?

You wake up in a sweat, terrified by the images from a reoccurring nightmare. The question “what the hell does that mean?” haunts you until eventually the dream and details slip through the cracks of your subconscious mind.

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Meet Wellness Leader Susan Cabana

Our featured Beautiful Woman is someone whom I've never met in person but felt an immediate connection to when I read her story in a recent edition of Whole Living Magazine. Susan Cabana discovered how strong she could be as a woman, a mother, and a businessperson after the sudden death of her husband.

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How to Keep Going When Life Get’s Hard

Do you go through cycles of great emotional swings that take you from elation to the depths of despair in short periods of time? Do you wonder why you can't seem to keep things even-keeled and running smoothly? Do you wish you weren't constantly moved by your circumstances whether good or bad?

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A Woman’s Power to Change Things

As women, we naturally guide the heart-center and atmosphere of our homes. We feel more; we believe more; and we certainly create enthusiasm when we need to. And, unfortunately, we can also tear down every thing we’ve worked for with that same power when it’s influenced by negative emotions that don’t serve us. If you despair over circumstances or a difficult situation to the point of emotional compromise, your family feels it. They follow you whether you want them to or not.

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10 Break-up Lessons for the Modern Woman

Just to let you know, I've lacked in the inspiration department lately...as if you couldn't tell. I realized that it's not that I don't have anything to write about, but it's that I have too much to write about. Am I making any sense at all? If not, click out, do your search, and go visit one of those "other" blogs.

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Finding Peace with Solitude

Ever since I can remember, I have sought out other people, friends, family with which to spend the majority of my time. Though my tendency to do this has not changed, it's the opportunity to "always have people around" that has.

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Take the Power

Hi everyone! I've been taking time to work out some family stuff recently and have not posted the usual daily article. I found a poem by Susan Polis Schultz that really spoke to me this week and wanted to share it with you. Be well-be beautiful-be happy.

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Look Both Ways Before Crossing the Street

Moving ahead in life (crossing the street) is just another way of bringing clarity about who you are and understanding of "what" lies before you. Though there may be scary things or challenges to that move, it still is a part of life, the "real" life we are supposed to live.

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Emotional Milestones

Facing adversity is a part of life...sorry, that was sort of a DUH statement. It is in times of trial that we really see what we're made of. All of the bugs come out of the woodwork so to speak. And some of them can be big and ugly. I want you to think about how you handle hard events and emotional trial.

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Teen Disrespect…I Need a Vacation

I was reminded today about how lucky I was that my two oldest children (now adults) were not high-strung, rebellious, down-right nasty, or any of those negative personas that make any woman reconsider her motherly throne. But that was like a million years ago.

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Don’t Stop Believing In Your Journey

OK, so I borrowed Journey's famous song title for this post, but please bear with me as I make a point that will change the way you see your life. Take a look at the refrain from the song that has now made a HUGE comeback thanks to that little TV show called GLEE.

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Being a Well Parent

As parents, we often worry about our choices that concern our children, what form of discipline to use, how to tell them about sex, how much independence to give. It's a never-ending challenge to balance the good with the bad. Though all of these things and much more are important, I find myself thinking about something completely different...

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Signs Of Perfectionism

“Perfectionism is not a quest for the best. It is a pursuit of the worst in ourselves, the part that tells us that nothing we do will ever be good enough - that we should try again.” ˜Julia Cameron

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“Press” Here

Well, the topic for today is one that might make a few of you cringe or at least think about whether I have read your mail...so to speak. It's just too big of an issue to not address here before God and everyone. So, let's move on.

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