Raising children is hard enough without health issues to deal with. I believe some problems can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and quality care. There are times, however, when things just happen and you must deal with your child's illness. I've been through this many times, having raised six children. I do know a thing or two about how to handle it when it shows up. But, mostly, taking care of them is common sense and dedication. Oh, yeah, and being prepared. I've compiled some important actions for Raising Healthy Kids.
Read More »4 Ways To Prepare Your Child For A Hospital Stay
***This post is a collaboration and may contain affiliate links. If your child has to go to the hospital for treatment or tests, you will …
Read More »Dear Daughter
From the moment I knew you were inside my womb, I dreamed of how beautiful you would be, how smart, and how loving to the world around you. Your first cry marked the beginning of your incredible journey of life in a world that isn't always kind or loving back. So with the amazing joy I felt at that instant, a fear also gripped my heart. I was afraid of losing you. Every mother feels this bittersweet tug of war in her spirit. I also feared that I would somehow not be a good mother to you, that I would monumentally screw up your life in some obscure way.
Read More »Firstly…
I had an epiphany the other day, and I have been unable to shake it, so I thought I might share it with you.
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