So, you want to start a business? Great! First, there are some things you should know. Going freelance or being an entrepreneur are both career moves that require some guts and fortitude. You will have to deal with some challenging people and technical issues on a regular basis. And, though, this is a common occurrence in business, it doesn't mean that everyone is prepared for it just because they flip the open sign. I believe preparation and training are the best ways to be ready for a business venture. It's not unlike training for a marathon or athletic sport. It takes consistency, willingness to push yourself to the limit, and an undying passion to reach goals. Here are 3 musts for readying yourself for entrepreneurship.
Read More »Your Freedom From Ego And Fear…
I awakened the other morning and was confronted with an idea, a spark, a concept and really, an inner awakening. We, as humans, invest a large amount of time avoiding fear, requesting safety at every turn and ensuring we are stepping on sure footing. We make decisions not to go sky-diving or abseiling, horse-riding or snow-skiing because we have fears; fears of heights, fears of dark alleys, fears of creepy crawlies. My "awakening" came in the form of realizing that we sabotage ourselves every day, blindly allowing fear to invade and infiltrate our happiness and joy. You know why? Because we give permission for our ego to reign with the same fear we avoid in the physical world.
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