While there are some legal business frameworks to operate within, your company has much flexibility. You don’t have to do certain things just because other companies do them. Instead, you can create a company that operates with your unique passions and purpose. Look for ways to fulfill your financial dreams that help others. Here are 4 ways your company can inspire others.
Read More »4 Quality Healthcare Jobs That Don’t Require Medical School
Little Mary wants to be a doctor when she grows up. She loves people and making them fell better. However, for Mary and many other young dreamers out there, reality might just end those dreams. It takes a long commitment and a lot of money to get through the process to become a doctor of any kind. Don't worry, little Mary doesn't have to stoop to committing a felony to see her dreams come true. Fortunately, for those who find schooling and the price tag too much, there are many other ways to work in the medical community. Here are 4 quality healthcare jobs that don't require medical school.
Read More »3 Life Skills You Want To Take From Your Job
There are many things you can take from your job or career to benefit you personally...and, no, this isn’t about stealing office supplies for home use. Among the technical skills and job specifics you glean from your position, there are other savvy skills that will serve you. And, these days, with our jobs taking so much of our time, we want to get all that we can out of those precious hours. Here are 3 life skills you want to take from your job.
Read More »4 Career Options For The Money-Savvy Woman
Looking for a new career and you have mad money management skills? The great news is just about every business utilizes money management to keep things running smoothly. This fact keeps things open for you. However, if you really want to delve deeply into the financial industry, below are four career options for the money-savvy woman.
Read More »Shake Up Your Career With These 4 Actions
A recent Gallup poll found that only 30 percent of people felt “engaged” by the work that they did, providing an indication that there is an epidemic of apathy at work. In other words, 70 percent of people believed that work wasn’t allowing them to reach their full potential - a sober number indeed. If you are in the majority, it may be time to shake up your career.
Read More »3 Fulfilling Careers For The People-Focused Woman
Are you working in an unfulfilling job? Do you wish you could make money and also help people? Or are you just ready for a career change? Training for a career shift is becoming more and more common, as women want to fulfill deeper life dreams and goals. Here are some of the most popular choices for careers that focus on helping others.
Read More »Start Building A Career You Love Today
While building a career, it's a given that you have a job in your desired field. This job is usually one that uses your skills, experience, and has fulfilling aspects that keep you moving upward. However, having just any old job is not necessarily building a career you will love for the long haul. Let's take a look at the differences and how you might start building a career you love today!
Read More »6 Reasons Women Excel In Sales
Sales jobs are in every sector of business on the planet. This means there are endless opportunities for both men and woman. However, many women don't want to be seen as the “stereotypical” salesmen we all know and abhor! You know the ones I’m talking about, they intimidate, push, and manipulate their potential customers into buying. Being psychological in nature, sales has an open door for both good and bad methods to enter the market. The good news is that more ladies are becoming successful salespeople. Many businesses may rely on this market shift in the future. The primary reason is that consumers are demanding higher quality experiences. Here are 6 reasons women excel in sales.
Read More »4 Tips To Climb the Ladder of Success Faster
In this competitive day and age, you should be thankful to have gainful employment at all. That said, it's normal to have aspirations of better positions, pay, and skills. Unfortunately, though, opportunities to advance rarely just fall out of the sky. It takes some attention to detail and savvy skill on your part to get ahead in your career or business. If you are looking to progress in your professional life, these 4 things may help you climb the ladder of success faster.
Read More »3 Workplace Myths That May Be Hurting Your Productivity
The common workplace is inundated by dozens of horror stories, myths and rules. From bosszillas to unfair treatment, from multitasking and burn out to friendships, and even office romances, the office experience is almost like an epic battle tale or scandalous soap opera. A place that some people cringe a little when they think about it, wondering which stories they will dare to share with their grandkids. It all makes you wonder if the typical office "laws" and expectations are fair and do they really make you work more efficiently? The fact is, some of the "you must do this or this will happen" rules are not always beneficial and should be considered by every woman who works outside of the home. Here are a few office myths that may be hindering your productivity.
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