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Tag Archives: journaling

3 Clues It’s Time To Make Health Changes

feel moe empowered

A busy life makes it easy to let your health slip. Bad habits can creep up, especially when it’s things under the surface and hidden …

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6 Natural Ways To Enhance Your Well-Being

Health is so much more than presenting a certain number on the scale or being able to run a marathon. Don’t get me wrong, weight, …

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5 Top Stress-Busting Actions You Can Do Today

How do we take back control of our lives and put stress behind us? I just had an 1.5 hour conversation with my integrative doctor about this very topic. Stress is a killer...literally. Managing stress levels goes a long way to help your life, specifically, your physical and mental health. The fortunate thing is that simply making a few small changes to your lifestyle will help curb stress and the body's response to it. Though I could talk about this topic for much longer, here are 5 top stress-busting actions.

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6 Strategies To Face Your Problems Head On

Everyone has problems, right? Some of them are small and some make you want to bury your head in the sand. However, doing so won't help at all. You need to face your problems head on in order to eradicate them. Fear of the unknown has a way of stealing our courage if we are facing something difficult. Believe me, I've had a multitude of problems in my life that have done just this. Fortunately, I learned how to get through them with clarity and confidence by applying these 6 strategies.

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Some Things Change…Some Things Don’t

As I was looking through some old writing of mine, I came across a free-writing I did back in 1989 when I was age 24. I recognized immediately my deep thinking and constant analysis of life - Why? Where? How? When? In other words, I've always been a philosopher at heart - one who wants to know everything and how it all fits together. Interestingly, at this time in my life, I had little or no exposure to any religion or views on consciousness or enlightenment, yet, I showed signs of my soul understanding that we create our future and that I should not give up.

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5 Life-Changing Reasons to Journal

As a writer and Journey Coach, I will always advocate journaling as a way to express your innermost feelings and thoughts without fear of judgement or comments from others. There is more to it than that though. Because of our nature, we forget things...even important things that we should remember.

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Introspective Sunday: What Is Your Question?

I guess this self-focus is really just another way of getting to know the real you. It's a good way to get to the bottom of any destructive behavior that might be popping up.

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Managing Your Best Asset…Time

Do you constantly ask "where did the day go?" or "why does it seem like I didn't accomplish anything?" If so, maybe it's time to look at your methodology.

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Is My Mind Connected To My Body?

Ah, yes, the mind/body connection. The more we hear about how important it is, the more we should pay attention. What gives, Ladies and Gentlemen (we've got some male fans now)?

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This Too Shall Pass

The stark reality of life can sometimes bring us to the point of confusion, desperation, and even self-destruction. Not to dwell on the negative, on the contrary, I want to share about the place that is on the other side of difficulties and tragedy - the place where you can look back and see that you were strong and brave.

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Instant Health Boosters: Writing and Journaling

I can't tell you how many women I've known who have said, "I hate writing; I just don't know what to say." And though some of them may have been grammatically-challenged, I always encouraged them to give it a try. Writing for creative expression or simply to journal your ideas is not about being perfect or eloquant; it's about YOU and what's inside of YOU.

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Loneliness: Is It Dangerous?

Have you ever considered how loneliness affects not only your mood but your physical health?  This melancholy emotion obviously can have detrimental affects on your …

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Finding Common Ground With Your Teen

Do you remember what it was like to be 13, 16, or even 21? It's easy to recall major life events of your adolescent years, but sharing an empathetic moment with your own teenage girl might be difficult as time erases our past emotions - no wonder we find raising teens challenging. The fact is, children, at any age, seem to think that we have been perpetually grown up and never dealt with peer pressure or the physical, emotional, and mental changes with which they are bombarded on a daily basis. The other problem is they are trying to become adults, and we are trying to prevent it from happening- at least for a while.

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Change Your Label – Change Your Life

How many times a day do you label yourself or others around you? Face it ladies, we live in a world of titles, status, and stereotypes. Of course, it's okay to give yourself or someone else a label of love like, good person, incredible listener, compassionate; it's when we throw the negative out there that we hurt ourselves and our fellow humans.

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Coincidence or Destiny?

Have you ever had something happen that you just couldn't park by as coincidence? However, it can be difficult to determine the reason for events that either march up to you with full force begging for your attention, or those that are subtle and quiet seemingly unrelated to your life. How you take these moments in time is largely due to what you believe is possible and by what knowledge you have.

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