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Tag Archives: Life Change

What Is Hope?

There is record of the word hope in English, though in varying form, dating back to before the twelfth century and even earlier in Hebrew. I have a good feeling that even before there was a word, there was an action- a longing, an expectation, an anticipation. It's like the human equivalent of an animal's instinct- a built in feature. Not to say that animals don't hope and humans don't have instinct. It could be that both of these things are interchangeable and innate with all life. We need hope to live, thrive, and find our purpose. That is why I am thankful to

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Life’s Canvas

Each of our lives start as blank canvas. You get to add the colors with the strokes of your brush through your actions and attitudes toward the things you do, feel and accomplish. Here is the way I decide which colors are going on my canvas: Anything positive, like joy, love, mercy, grace, hope, giving, and helping others are my pastels and bright colors. Anger and bitterness, hate, selfishness, and deceit are the dark, foreboding colors that don't allow for a beautiful portrait.

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Make Your Own Remix

Along with new technology, digital technology particularly, comes the desire and the ability to re-do, re-hash, dress up, re-create and re-produce media of all shapes and forms. This remediation is not always for the better; sometimes it’s a sideways step, sometimes it’s completely over the top. But what it always does is create something new, this is regardless of whether or not we recognise it or can compare it to what has gone before. This whole construct had me thinking. What if we viewed ourselves as a medium ready and willing for re-mixing or remediating? The opportunities are endless and there are different ways of approaching this, different levels of remixed media.

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Self Soothing For Life

I'ts normal to be sad and hurt at times. It's also very normal to get angry, however letting it consume you is not healthy. The hard part is knowing how much time to allow these emotions to have the stage. One thing I found that helps is a technique called Self-Soothing. You can find helpful resources here. SELF-SOOTHING is comforting, nurturing and being kind to yourself. One way to accomplish self-soothing is to comfort your five senses in the following ways:

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Life’s Stepping Stones

Stepping stones of all shapes and sizes are used in gardens to make the path easier to see and also to make it more decorative. Something I find interesting about stepping stones is that the path has already been chosen by the gardener and then she lays the stepping stones. Some decorate the stones with beads, gemstones, glitter and other smaller stones and glass to make the stepping stones more distinctive. This gives us an awesome analogy for our lives.

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Cultivate Your Acre!

I am guilty of letting the weeds grow; tall stocky thistles, yellow dandelions, carpets of green clover abloom in white flowers, sneaky little bindii ready to pierce the soles of my bare, haven’t- been- out- of- shoes feet... just like those prickly issues I decided never to deal with. Right down the back, I haven’t done any pruning for ages; in fact, I cannot see the back fence line, a huge bougainvillea with nasty thorns has over taken the timber palings, but it does have those gorgeous magenta flowers.

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Fierce And Feminine, Fighting For Future

Happy International Women's Day everyone! I hope this day finds you thankful for your unique feminine qualities and strength. I truly believe there is a fierce women's movement happening on the planet today. This forward motion is driven by women just like you and me who desire change and a safe, blissful future for ourselves, families, and generations to come. Though, I support the idea of one woman bringing change to the planet, I know how much more groups of women banding together, collaborating and fighting for truth, can multiply that change exponentially.

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Dare To Love More

There is a song that says to live like there is no more tomorrow and love like you are on borrowed time... Time is so precious. We never know when our last breath will be. We all have people around us suffering in many different ways.

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G Is For Gratification

[dropcap]F[/dropcap]or the second component of the I.G.N.I.T.E. series, we will discuss gratification and how to finally have it. the problem I see concerning getting to that fantastic place (we'll call it the "G" spot just for fun!) is that most women fail at building up to it by connecting to the emotions that would be present when they reach their goal. In other words, we need to feel, taste, smell, touch, and see all that surrounds success before we actually get there. Too many women get all excited (see I Is For Inspiration) about an idea or dream only to get lost in the shuffle of life and responsibilities, never making it to the "G" Spot.

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I Is For Inspiration

This is INSPIRATION Day- the first component of I.G.N.I.T.E. week! Call it the beginning of a new life chapter, a fire in its early stages, the birth of anything and everything you desire. We can't do or create anything without it. That, my friends, is why it is first in this series/program. If you were my coaching client, I would first ask you to describe in detail what inspires you, what gets you all goose bumpy and excited to do something new or even a little scary. So, we'll just say you all are my mini-clients...

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Do Something More

The other day my friend, D, gave me a really cool stainless steel coffee cup that has a detachable plastic sleeve on it. It also came with a dry erase marker. It appeals to my artistic, whimsical self, as well as my coffee side. On Sunday, I decided I would write something inspirational on the cup and think on it throughout the day. I decided on "Do"

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Inflammation Is Slowly Killing You

Here's the deal... In a perfect world and body, short-term inflammation is a normal immune system response that helps fight infection , rescues body systems during trauma, and eases allergic responses (grandma's yummy chicken soup simmering on the stove). Chronic inflammation, on the other hand, happens when the body does not turn off the production of normal pro-inflammatory cells that are needed in those temporary situations (the pot bowls over, starts a fire, and keeps burning until someone puts it out).

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Journey to Sexual Freedom

I don’t mind saying I have the best sex life ever. Probably better than anyone else’s. I know that sounds egotistical, but that is how content I am, with where I am, in that area in my life. I’ve achieved the pinnacle of success in that area of my life. But not before I swam through a lot of dry flavorless valleys. Actually I wasn’t swimming; I was pretending to doggy paddle and really drowning.

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I had an epiphany the other day, and I have been unable to shake it, so I thought I might share it with you.

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Stop The Ride I Want Off! A Borderline Personality Disorder Story

I've ridden a roller-coaster my entire life, fitting in nowhere, not even in my own home. Of course, by chance when I did, I’d find some way to mess it up. This life never allowed me to like myself or believe I deserved others to like me either. I’d moved out on my own by 16 and was expelled from school just before graduation. My life displayed a pattern: abusive relationships, drug abuse, eating disorders, and other self-destructive tendencies that I never once thought of as problems. I really had no idea who I was. I simply lived my life the best way I knew how.

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