Have you ever considered what it means to act your age? The actions, attitudes, and philosophies of each age group have become fuzzy in a world that produces more and more women who obliterate the mindsets of past generations. With 41-year-olds like Dara Torres winning Olympic medals and children like Miley Cyrus building financial empires well beyond the norm, who's to say what you shouldn't do at any age.
Read More »Finding the Time
Time...the most precious resource that we have at our disposal. Well, not to say that we should be throwing it away. In fact, we need to rein it in, tame it, and make better use of it. If only there was twenty-five hours in a day, I could do so much more. Maybe it isn't that we need to do more; maybe we need to find out what is truly important, what is not, and make changes accordingly.
Read More »The Green Woman
We live in a day where the terms "going green" and "organic" are becoming more prevalent. Many of you have taken the initiative to act on the call to make this earth we live on a better place; however, many have not. It's one of those things that anyone can do and everyone should. I'm not preaching from a pedestal here; I only recently started making an effort to "save the planet" by recycling.
Read More »Recognizing Great Leadership
Watch and Learn Each woman on this planet has the responsibility to find a path to her personal greatness. It's a journey of trial and error at best. Consider a small child when ready to walk, she may not understand the mechanics of her body, or how each joint works together with muscles and bones to make her walk; she does want something on the other side of the room-her goal-so she finds a way to get there.
Read More »Think Your Way to Happiness
Thousands of fleeting thoughts run through our minds every day. Some we choose to let pass like a speeding bus; while others are held captive by a need to dwell on their implications. They may develop in our mind's eye as if a tiny artist stand painting a picture inside of us.
Read More »A Good Time to Change
Believe it or not, there's nothing that says let's make some changes like getting kicked in the face or being thrown down to the mattress with a month long bout of pneumonia. The fact is, pain and adversity have long been keys to some of the greatest triumphs in history...my life has been no exception.
Read More »How To Change (For Real)
It's easy to see in our society that we have become a people with need for quick fixes, high speed everything, and a broad spectrum of ways to change things we don't like about ourselves. I agree that progress and vanity has vaulted us into this way of thinking; however, not everything should be done quickly just because it's possible. True self-improvement is one of those things. Though many small steps can be taken along the journey, the total project will take some time to accomplish, so leave your microwave mentality behind.
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