In business, there are some decisions that can be earth-shaking in a positive way. On the contrary, there are some that can bury your business …
Read More »4 Ways To Turn Business Fear Into Positive Motivation
Leading a company and people is an emotional journey. Unfortunately, fear may be a part of that adventure. That said, it can also be a …
Read More »Day 15: A New You Challenge Check In
Hi my lovelies! I'm honored you are here today! Today, I want to do a brief check in for those of you who are following along with the New You in 31 Days Challenge. Even if you haven't visited every day, I'd love to here about your goals, progress, setbacks, and future aspirations. I will be personally contacting each of you who have commented on any of the posts in the challenge, so be looking for an email from me.
Read More »Some Things Change…Some Things Don’t
As I was looking through some old writing of mine, I came across a free-writing I did back in 1989 when I was age 24. I recognized immediately my deep thinking and constant analysis of life - Why? Where? How? When? In other words, I've always been a philosopher at heart - one who wants to know everything and how it all fits together. Interestingly, at this time in my life, I had little or no exposure to any religion or views on consciousness or enlightenment, yet, I showed signs of my soul understanding that we create our future and that I should not give up.
Read More »Overcoming My Fear
Today is a special day for me. I actually overcame my fear of being on video. Because I've spent most of the day working on this inaugural video, I did not get much time to write a post today. So, instead of trying to start from scratch with a different topic, I am posting the best articles about overcoming fear. Hopefully, my video will be finished tomorrow and, for the very first time, I will present my readers with a video blog. I hope you are all still working on yourselves and focusing on your goals for the week or month. Remember to share your goals, dreams, progress in the comments so we can connect and be accountable to each other. Here's the best of overcoming fear! Love you all!
Read More »Your Freedom From Ego And Fear…
I awakened the other morning and was confronted with an idea, a spark, a concept and really, an inner awakening. We, as humans, invest a large amount of time avoiding fear, requesting safety at every turn and ensuring we are stepping on sure footing. We make decisions not to go sky-diving or abseiling, horse-riding or snow-skiing because we have fears; fears of heights, fears of dark alleys, fears of creepy crawlies. My "awakening" came in the form of realizing that we sabotage ourselves every day, blindly allowing fear to invade and infiltrate our happiness and joy. You know why? Because we give permission for our ego to reign with the same fear we avoid in the physical world.
Read More »How To Eliminate Anxiety
I've recently come across some information that some of you may find useful. The article said that instead of resisting the ominous feelings of panic and anxiety, that you should welcome them...even try to have them. When I first read it I thought it was weird, but when I really thought about it, it made a lot of sense. Read on for details...
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