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Tag Archives: self-awareness

Age, Beauty, and Health

I am reminded every day of my age by looking in the mirror, remembering my oldest daughter's is 24, and by the wisdom (and trivia) that I have acquired over the years. I'm not going to write about mid-life crises or anything like that. On the contrary, I believe that neither your state of health nor your beauty should have one iota to do with the number of years you've been on the planet; unless, of course, they are better because you have made a few more mistakes and learned from them.

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Change Your Label – Change Your Life

How many times a day do you label yourself or others around you? Face it ladies, we live in a world of titles, status, and stereotypes. Of course, it's okay to give yourself or someone else a label of love like, good person, incredible listener, compassionate; it's when we throw the negative out there that we hurt ourselves and our fellow humans.

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Coincidence or Destiny?

Have you ever had something happen that you just couldn't park by as coincidence? However, it can be difficult to determine the reason for events that either march up to you with full force begging for your attention, or those that are subtle and quiet seemingly unrelated to your life. How you take these moments in time is largely due to what you believe is possible and by what knowledge you have.

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Discovering Your Creative Self

When people say "be true to yourself," what they are really saying is take the time to learn who you are and what you are passionate about. A large part of that discovery may be your creative self. Without engaging this unique part of your being, you may be cheating yourself out of a fulfilling portion of your life. You don't have to be an artist or musician to be creative. On the contrary, we all are creative or can be whether we have artistic talents or not. The key is in our passions. When you love to do something so much that you can't stop thinking about it, that's when the creativity flows freely.

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Be Well-Be Beautiful

A long time ago - twenty years or so - I realized that the best way to look your best and keep them guessing how old you really are is to focus more on making healthful decisions than on beauty tricks and getaway-with-anything glamour. The fact is, simple things like drinking good water, not consuming or smoking harmful things, and eating more raw foods promotes glowing, youthful skin faster than the best face cream in the world.

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Let Your Mind Wander

As I sat in my writing chair this morning, I realized that for some reason my thoughts would not stay on any one subject long …

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Have you ever sat in a room with people you resented? Did you put on a pretentious smile, attempt to flatter them in some way, and yet, seethe inside about the uncomfortable meeting? At some point, most of us experience this horrible situation. And it's not easy to communicate with positive results when an offense comes between two or more people. In this post, I will talk about some different ways to get past resentment in couple and group situations.

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How to Say No

Coupled with a pushover complex, our perceived ability to be superwoman can be more harmful than productive if we overwhelm ourselves with responsibilities that fit haphazardly into our schedules.

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Anger Management

Anger Management Anger is like a destructive bacteria growing everywhere; it's in our homes, our workplaces, and every store we step foot into. You can't go anywhere these days without hearing a mom yell at her kids or witness a disgruntled driver flip the bird to an old lady who accidentally pulled out in front of him. In fact, you may have even been that mom or driver. Whether we are the ones who are angry or the recipients of the heated emotion, we can all honestly say that nothing good usually comes of it.

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Think Your Way to Happiness

Thousands of fleeting thoughts run through our minds every day. Some we choose to let pass like a speeding bus; while others are held captive by a need to dwell on their implications. They may develop in our mind's eye as if a tiny artist stand painting a picture inside of us.

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A Good Time to Change

Believe it or not, there's nothing that says let's make some changes like getting kicked in the face or being thrown down to the mattress with a month long bout of pneumonia. The fact is, pain and adversity have long been keys to some of the greatest triumphs in history...my life has been no exception.

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How To Change (For Real)

It's easy to see in our society that we have become a people with need for quick fixes, high speed everything, and a broad spectrum of ways to change things we don't like about ourselves. I agree that progress and vanity has vaulted us into this way of thinking; however, not everything should be done quickly just because it's possible. True self-improvement is one of those things. Though many small steps can be taken along the journey, the total project will take some time to accomplish, so leave your microwave mentality behind.

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