Well, today I want to look at one of the best wellness tips you are ever going to read on this site:
Read More »Giving, A Giveaway, and Giving Up
Be thankful for what you have: talents, possessions, people, love, and your influence are all blessings.
Read More »What Is My Contribution?
What are you giving? How do you present YOU to the world? What gifts and talents are pouring out of you regularly? Do you spend too much time wishing that you could do something different only to miss living the life you have?
Read More »Healthful Holidays: Body, Mind, and Spirit
I have gathered some savvy tips for whole health (body, mind, and spirit) in this practical article about weathering the holidays.
Read More »Fortunate Friday: The Most Important Things In Life
As we approach the final days of the year, I want to remind you ladies to be thankful for your blessings. After all, we have warm homes, beds, friends, family, food on our tables, and clean water flowing from our faucets.
Read More »Fortunate Friday: Truth
A woman's day is filled with opportunities. We give, receive, love, hate; we choose in which direction our lives go; we seek truth or we settle for less. It's up to us to find true joy and fulfillment.
Read More »A New Friend and Myths about Men
There are a number of myths out there floating around about guys and gals ~ usually perpetuated by members of the opposite sex. Some have a bit of rooting in fact, while others don't. Here, I debunk a few myths about males.
Read More »Seeing Your Future
“The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created--created first in the mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating.”
Read More »Fortunate Friday: Revelation
This week has been one of soul-searching and self-examination...no, not the breast kind. I've been seeking to understand myself in a greater way- the inside person who drives the bus, so to speak. It's not all glory and gum drops you see. It's been a tough journey of realizing that I have a ton of work to do.
Read More »Do You Have Regrets?
Your cruising along on the highway; suddenly, you realize that you left your laptop on the kitchen table. "You, dumb ass!" slips from your lips and you veer off at the next exit to retrieve the Power Point presentation that would surely land you favor (even a promotion) at work.
Read More »Are You At Peace?
There is a secret I want to share with you. I learned this exercise about 2 years ago when I was working on healing from terrible chronic headaches.
Read More »Are You Like Your Mother?
"Are you like your mother?"was bold and loud in my mind as I opened my eyes. For some of you that inquiry might provoke some angry feelings or at least a nonchalant eye roll. A few of you might be beaming with pride to know that, yes, you are just like your mother. But, for most, you are like me, knowing that you have carried on some of mom's negative traits as well as some good ones.
Read More »What Is Hope?
Remember when you were waiting on that special guy to pop the question or expecting your first child? Can you recall dreaming or even visualizing these important events when you were a teen or even a young girl? Through hope we actually begin to form our lives from the beginning.
Read More »A Surge of Feminine Energy
I don't know if you've noticed, but women are shifting into higher gears and focusing more on life goals and dreams. This may be a worldwide trend amongst humans in general; however, I feel a distinct feminine energy surrounding this front of powerful changes.
Read More »Holding On and Letting Go
As women we inevitably face choices. Ones that are hard and ones that require little thought, if any at all - life's opportunities. We either have the opportunity to change something or allow it to remain the same.
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