Breakups are no joke. They can seriously impact your mental and physical health, as well as your life in general. Depending on how connected your …
Read More »5 Action Steps For Loving Yourself More
Loving yourself, as in self-preservation is one area that most people don’t have an issue. However, there is another form of self-love that trips up …
Read More »3 Highly Effective Ways To Heal From Trauma
Recovering from an illness, injury, or traumatic life event can affect us deeply and in many ways. We can choose to allow these events to …
Read More »Is My Relationship Worth Fighting For?
Making the decision to end any relationship shouldn’t be done on a whim or in anger. And, if you find yourself on the receiving end of being unceremoniously dumped, you should consider what led up to it. If it was in the heat of the moment after an emotional throw down, you may want to step back and reflect before throwing the towel in. At this point, you may be asking yourself this: Is my relationship worth fighting for? Only you can answer that question, but here are some tips to navigating the tough road.
Read More »Your Weekly Dose Of Diva: Healing Our Wounds As The True Route To Empowerment?
Today was a life-changer day for me - a day of reckoning. I just spent over three months diving deep, hundreds of hours, working harder than I've ever worked, creating, building, fine-tuning an online course, my first. It was my steepest learning curve yet - just the technology alone would have derailed me even a year ago, much less the visioning, the multi-tasking, the focus required. Today it launched for the first time - version 1.0 - and not a single person has bought in yet and who knows, maybe no one will. And for the first time ever I am so good with that.
Read More »Even When Shit And Shadows Get Scary, I’m Still In!
You know that feeling you get when you're watching a scary movie and the heroin is snooping in a really creepy, dark place? Well, I always say to myself or out loud, "What the hell are you doing? Why are you even going down there? Are you insane? Admit it, you've done it, too! Then I realize that there wouldn't be a story or movie unless someone does something dramatic or to risk bodily harm.
Read More »Embracing Beauty
Have things in your life been a struggle? Maybe things have just been constrictive or you feel stuck. Maybe you are frustrated with a situation you just cannot seem to get past. Lately I have had butterflies on my mind. No, not the nervous butterflies in the tummy but the beautiful, flighty, colorful creatures that take to the sky and land on the wild flowers. They do not stay in one place long, but before those beautiful moments of flight, it was a caterpillar snug tight in it's cocoon. That is where it goes through metamorphosis. Changes. There are stages to it's growth. And then, when the time is right, the cocoon tears away to reveal the colorful wings that take flight.
Read More »Days Of Self Value
We, as women, are the holders of the space for most of the loving-ness in our lives – we teach it, give it, share it - yet we so often forget to give to ourselves. Our focus is so often others-oriented that we get behind and lost in the self-care and nurturing department. We then wonder and worry why no one stops to think about what we might require and find ourselves wishing that our loved ones would just take the time to stop and focus on us.
Read More »Journey to Sexual Freedom
I don’t mind saying I have the best sex life ever. Probably better than anyone else’s. I know that sounds egotistical, but that is how content I am, with where I am, in that area in my life. I’ve achieved the pinnacle of success in that area of my life. But not before I swam through a lot of dry flavorless valleys. Actually I wasn’t swimming; I was pretending to doggy paddle and really drowning.
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