I expect that most of us have, at some time, believed there simply isn’t enough time in the day to do everything. And though it …
Read More »5 Top Stress-Busting Actions You Can Do Today
How do we take back control of our lives and put stress behind us? I just had an 1.5 hour conversation with my integrative doctor about this very topic. Stress is a killer...literally. Managing stress levels goes a long way to help your life, specifically, your physical and mental health. The fortunate thing is that simply making a few small changes to your lifestyle will help curb stress and the body's response to it. Though I could talk about this topic for much longer, here are 5 top stress-busting actions.
Read More »Completing Purpose
It is November now, the year nearly gone – I am looking at all those pieces that LIE INCOMPLETE – there are a few. I set a new goal this month, as I do when guilt sets in and I say no more procrastination, stay on track, etc.. Six A.M. arrives and I cannot sleep, so I actually get up and move onto one of those events and complete it – feeling very good about myself and wondering how long I can keep it up. As I seek to complete another task (this article) my newest baby kitten, who is still nameless, is also desperately seeking my attention by helping type and pushing things off my desk.
Read More »Chasing Happiness
In our lives today, we’re so rushed with everything there is to do, both personally and professionally, we have no idea whether we’re happy or not. Our lives tend to be about the next thing on the “to-do” list, or the next appointment we have, or the next thing in our over-scheduled lives. It’s hard to just stop for moment. Breathe for a moment. Think for a moment. And that’s exactly what stops us from seeing the happiness and the joy there is around us to be had at any given moment in the day.
Read More »Be Goldilocks
Remember the story of Goldilocks and the three bears? Just like Goldilocks, we question things in our lives. We test things. Taking a look at our lives is something we can forget to do with day-to-day stress. Goldilocks did not just know which porridge was the right porridge. She tested each bowl. Now, I won't get into the fact that she broke in the Bear's home in this story that might presently be banned from many schools because it promotes criminal behavior... Nonetheless, she tested which porridge was too hot, too cool and just right.
Read More »3 Keys To Balance And Getting Things Done
Being a woman, who is smack in the middle between structured and unstructured, I tend to see both sides of the to schedule or not to schedule debate. And depending on where you fall on this scale of either beautiful chaos or rigid order, you likely are gazing at the proverbial green grass on the other side. The unstructured woman will long for the day when she actually feels caught up and able to find her sofa, dinner table, and bedroom floor. Where the rigid perfectionist dreams of having time to just enjoy her life, to take off and just do something fun. Well, ladies, you can learn from each other. With a few tricks taken from both extremes, you can find balance and get things d
Read More »6 Steps to a Dream Come True
Do you have a dream? Do you want (really want) it to come true? I'm Journey Coach, Kellie Stone, here to tell you that you can see your dreams manifest before your eyes.
Read More »How Do I Refocus My Life?
Have you ever just been stuck on one question? Does it have the word "why" in it? We humans tend to want to know why everything happens, especially when things aren't good. Realizing that we may never know "why" is truly a revelation, a relieving one at that.
Read More »Introspective Sunday: What Is Your Question?
I guess this self-focus is really just another way of getting to know the real you. It's a good way to get to the bottom of any destructive behavior that might be popping up.
Read More »Is Your Time Managing You?
Welcome back to our discussion about time management. The question at hand is a rather important one to ask yourself if you want to get to the next level in any area of your life. You can either do what you have to do to keep your time in check or you can let it walk mercilessly all over you.
Read More »Managing Your Best Asset…Time
Do you constantly ask "where did the day go?" or "why does it seem like I didn't accomplish anything?" If so, maybe it's time to look at your methodology.
Read More »The Simple Things
Acknowledging even the smallest of gestures sent forth into our experience is one of the most satisfying things you can do. We've all heard the saying "stop and smell the roses."
Read More »Making Life’s Decisions
Happiness, Love, Financial Abundance, Health - all things that most women want in their lives, but what about the details? How do you know what job or mate is best for you? How do you know when it's time to do something different?
Read More »What Is My Contribution?
What are you giving? How do you present YOU to the world? What gifts and talents are pouring out of you regularly? Do you spend too much time wishing that you could do something different only to miss living the life you have?
Read More »My Guest Post @ SonyaFeher.com
Hey, Ladies, check out my guest post over at SonyaFeher.com. The title is Writing With Children - a funny account of my daily writing attempts with a toddler and three teens. I am honored that she has also been inspired by my post to start a regular guest post column entitled Writing With Children.
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