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Wellness Wednesday: Nutrition Tips for the Holidays

Administrator’s Note:

Major holiday time is approaching quickly. Many families will enjoy each other’s company with celebrations that include lots of food and drinks.  It’s no wonder that we tend to over indulge and even gain a few pounds.  I have made peace with myself by simply making better choices and paying attention to what I’m eating and how much.  In addition to that, I’m definitely taking some of  Dr. Anca’s  advice to stay slim during this fun time of year.  Be well-be beautiful.


Surviving the Holidays with Your Waist Size Intact

By Dr. Anca Lamse (The MD who thinks outside the box)


Family Gatherings

Have a couple of fiber pills with a full glass of water before heading out.  That way, you won’t be as hungry and won’t delve so deeply into the junk food.

Choose beer or wine over (sweet) cocktails, which contain more calories.

Snacking at Parties

Choose raw veggies first, before going for the cheese or the caramel corn.  You will then be somewhat full before getting into the more decadent morsels.  Chew your food well and pay attention to its texture and its taste.  Catch up with family and friends; focus on interesting conversations vs food.

Foods and Drinks to Limit

Cranberry sauce: has a lot of sugar; take one teaspoon only.

Dried fruit can pack lots of calories; eat non-dehydrated, regular fruit, such as apples, and lots of veggies (stock up your fridge).

Diet sodas have chemicals that are toxic to your body.  Drink mineral (sparkling) water with lemon.  Fresh squeezed lemon juice is detoxifying to the liver.

Drinking peppermint tea (watch out for heartburn) can minimize your appetite.  And it’s a way better choice than eggnog!

Margarine is actually worse for you than butter, believe it or not.  Use butter or MCT (medium chain triglycerides, isolated from coconut oil; you can find it at the health food store) or organic extra virgin coconut oil instead.

For the Chocoholic

Buy a small quantity of expensive, organic dark chocolate instead of the cheap milk chocolate.  Don’t keep lots of chocolate in the house; buy a small amount when you crave it.


That confuses the body.  Please contact me if your cravings are out of control.  It can  be a sign of hormonal or neurotransmitter imbalance.


Don’t over commit yourself.  Less is more.  Relax by taking an aromatic bath (with pure essential oils); reading a good book; taking a walk; watching a funny show or a documentary that improves your knowledge.  Get a massage or reflexology treatment.  Laugh.  Get enough sleep.  Eat well.  Play the music that makes you feel good.  Meditate.  All these things increase your immune system and your resistance to the flu.


***The content of this post is not meant to replace the advice of your health care provider.  Women’s Life Link, it’s authors, contributors, commentators, associates, and linked sites do not claim that this information will diagnose, treat, or cure any disease or condition.  Thank you.
Photo By BuddyStyle

About Anca Lamse, M.D.

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  1. Thank you Dr. Anca! As I look at our traditional menu, I realize I need to be making some nutritional additions/substitutions. Most family menbers insist on their traditional calorie and chemical laden recipies, but I will be eating a little bit of turkey and healthy veggies (with whoever will join me)…and feeling great the next day!

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