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3 Tips For Navigating A Disability Effectively

When most people think of the definition of a disability, a certain picture comes to mind. It might be a person in a wheelchair or walking with a cane. However, not all disabilities are physical, which means navigating a disability might include other things like mental and emotional support. Some disabilities are very complex and can be challenging to get support for. 

Perhaps you or one of your loved ones has a disability. If so, I am so sorry for your challenging experiences and hope you have found help and support. I, too, have experienced disability and understand how important it is to feel secure and taken care of. It’s not easy navigating a disability or chronic illness while running a household or having a job.

You’ll be emotionally overwhelmed at times, not to mention needing to deal with physical changes. You can make it more manageable for yourself by gathering a few tips and tricks. 

Let’s take a look at navigating a disability effectively.

Come to Terms with It

You can’t figure out how to manage life with a disability without first coming to terms with it. You’ll need to accept that it’s now a part of your life while learning how to move forward with it. Keep in mind you’re not surrendering to it by accepting it. You’re simply accepting it’s an experience that you are having. I have found that acknowledgment makes the whole experience more peaceful and doable.

Shift Your Mindset

navigating a disabilityI wouldn’t blame you if you had a negative mindset when it comes to disabilities. After all, it literally means to “disable” in some way. No one wants their life to be hindered and restricted. That said, it’s important to shift your mindset to move forward in peace and courage. No, life won’t ever be the same, but it can be beautifully different and even teach you things you wouldn’t have learned otherwise.

By shifting your mindset, you go from seeing your disability as something restrictive to something that can be navigated successfully. It could even help you lead a more fulfilled life as you learn to prioritize things that are actually important. If you are a woman who is passionate about helping others, your disability could be a bridge to relating to others going through similar things.

Look After Your Needs

Above all else, make sure your physical and emotional needs are met. Perhaps using a consumer directed Services network that serves people with various disabilities could help you or a loved one. I highly recommend getting help because denying yourself won’t help you move forward or live happily.

For example, while disability comes in many forms, quite a few of them come with a change in mobility needs. Because you could be more restricted than you previously were, you’ll have to find something that helps you get around safely. Your healthcare provider or physical therapist should be able to help you locate the equipment you need. 

Joe Tarver, Rock and Roll Cycles’ founder, has quite a bit of advice about this as well. Once you’ve found the most appropriate options for you, getting around will be much easier and safer. While this can take a bit of time and research, it’s more than worth it.

Furthermore, once you secure the needed supplies and equipment, you’ll need to know how to take care of everything. For example, how to pick tires for your mobility scooter or maintain other mechanical devices. Remember, there is help available for all of these things. Do your research and ask for help when you need it.

The last thing you need is to struggle while navigating your disability or that of a loved one. Life with a disability doesn’t have to be a complicated experience. While it can be emotionally overwhelming, the logistics can be on your side with the right support and information. Remember, your medical professionals, loved ones, and others are there to help you, so ask for help.

**** This post is strictly informational and is not meant to replace the advice of your healthcare provider. Women’s lifelink, its owners, administrators, contributors, affiliates, vendors, authors, and editors do not claim that this information will diagnose, treat, or improve any condition or disease.

About Caroline Stewart

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