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3 Ways To Rebalance Your Life After The Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic turned our world upside down in March of 2020, and it continues to dominate our lives now to some extent. That said, we have to keep the hope that our world will again regain balance and continue with a better sense of who we are as humans. A part of this will be finding personal balance and striving to be better women. 

With this type of personal goal, you might feel as though there is catching up to do. Don’t be discouraged, we all feel this, as we haven’t been ourselves for over a year now. To some degree, it even feels like we’ve given up a good year of our lives, trying to protect ourselves and others. Well, though that might be true, it doesn’t mean we can’t reengage in our lives and make them even better. Here are a few things to consider as you find a new normal and rebalance your life after the pandemic.

Get Back Into Shape

It’s important to stay healthy during these chaotic times, and one of the best ways to do that is to challenge yourself to get back into shape. During the pandemic, it’s been easier to let regular workouts and good habits fall away to less serving activities like watching TV, overeating, and being lazy. No worries, though, let yourself reengage with some healthful choices by taking one step at a time. As you progress, you will see that you really aren’t that far away from your former fitness glory.

If you really want to challenge yourself and you haven’t slipped too far into a fitness hole, consider training for a Half Marathon or some other milestone. Know that setting a good plan and using smartphone apps like Strava can make it a rewarding and even sociable experience. 

Enhance Your Career Prospects

If you were laid off during the pandemic, it’s time to enhancing your career prospects by freshening up your resume and thinking outside the box. This will help you locate a new position should your job not open up again. If there is a chance that you will be rehired, make your employer feel as though you are indispensable, or, at least, valuable. Knuckle down and work on improving your skills and abilities to put you in a better position for a pay rise or a promotion. 

Rekindle Relationships

With so much time spent at home over the last twelve months and the various social distancing restrictions, you probably have lost touch with the majority of your social support system. Consider rekindling these relationships by getting in touch with loved ones whether family or friends. After so much time apart, agree to meet up and see them in a safe way. 

About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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