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5 Income-Generating Tips For When You Can’t Work A Conventional Job

There are many reasons why someone might be unable to work a conventional job. This time may also be temporary in nature or be indefinite. Chronic illnesses take many women out of the job market, while others take time off to heal from a recent injury. Some may be dealing with mental illnesses that make it more difficult for them to stick to a regular routine. Even childcare issues can create the need to leave a job. Regardless of what the reason is for the inability to work, there are some things you can do to keep your finances above water. Here are 5 income-generating tips for when you can’t work a conventional job.

Income-Generating Tips For When You Can’t Work a Conventional Job #1: Self-Employment

Launching a new business can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. You can start simply by selling your handicrafts you can create while you are down. You could also start a blog and monetize it with advertising and affiliate marketing.  Think about something that you’ve always wanted to do but never got the chance to. Not being able to work might end up being the best thing that ever happened to you. I actually experienced this very thing some years ago. 

Income-Generating Tips For When You Can’t Work a Conventional Job #2: Are You Entitled To Compensation?

If you were injured at work or in some other type of accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Depending on the available types of compensation for damages, a settlement could sustain you during an extended period away from work. Of course, this all hinges on the individual case and the ability to legally prove it.

If you are not sure of your rights or what is possible, you might want to contact a workers comp lawyer. Start by writing down the details of your illness or injury and talk to others who may have experienced similar things. It also helps to have detailed records of all money spent on your illness or injury, as well as communication between you and your employer. Include dates, names, and anything else that helps to show your disability.

Income-Generating Tips For When You Can’t Work a Conventional Job #3: Freelancing

If you have a marketable skill like writing, editing, photography, or graphic design, you could do some freelance work. Sites like Upwork offer a database of jobs you can do for others without actually being employed by them. This is a wonderful way to make a living or supplement your existing income. The flexibility alone would fit nicely with downtime caused by illness or injury.

Income-Generating Tips For When You Can’t Work a Conventional Job #4: Live a More Frugal Life

One thing that will help you make it through tough financial times is adopting a more frugal or minimalist lifestyle. Finding ways to save money can be quite rewarding, as you quickly discover what is truly important to you and your life. Shopping at the thrift stores or garage sales is also a great way to support the environment. One thing I find fulfilling about cutting down on expensive splurges is that those things become more special to me.

Income-Generating Tips For When You Can’t Work a Conventional Job #5: Consider Downsizing

If you own your own property, or even if you rent, you may want to consider downsizing. Moving to a smaller home, or even an RV could mean big savings on your monthly rent or mortgage payments. If you own your home, you could stand to make a profit from the sale. You might also lease out your larger home and move into something smaller yourself. Again, this could be a temporary situation, so selling might not be best for you.



About Madeline

Madeline is a mid-west mom of three who spends most of her time refilling ice trays and changing toilet paper...just kidding. She is a high school guidance counselor, all around funny gal, and a writer. Her first book, Be Happy Already!", is in the works.

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