I picture Frenchy, in the movie Grease, blowing a big pink bubble- the epitome of a cool, gorgeous high school drop out. It’s one of those iconic snaps not easily forgotten. It’s also not easy to forget how satisfying a good wad of Double Bubble can be, especially to a kid. And, yeah, G’ma told us more than once to chew quietly or don’t bite off so much. Regardless of parental boundaries or iconic stigma, for most, chewing gum remains a timeless and legit way to burn off some nervous energy. I have also realized there are other surprising health benefits of chewing gum. Check this out!
Surprising Health Benefits of Chewing Gum #1: Improves Concentration
I found a ton of research, including this at https://www.wired.com/2011/11/the-cognitive-benefits-of-chewing-gum/ which proposes that chewing gum can actually help cognitive functions. Concentration, memory and even reaction times are all on the list of areas that can improve with a rhythmic chew. It increases the blood flow to the brain, which means more oxygenation. I’ll take it!
Surprising Health Benefits of Chewing Gum #2: Lowers Stress
After a bit of digging, I found some studies that showed chewing gum helps reduce the hormone cortisol. In high amounts, it has been linked to stress, anxiety, and even weight gain. Chewing gum can relieve nervous energy and help to relax your mind and body. Give me some Hubba!
Surprising Health Benefits of Chewing Gum #3: Unblocks Ears

You know that thing that happens to your ears while on an airplane? Yeah, that completely irritating (and sometimes painful) blockage from hell. The only thing that ever helps me is chewing gum the whole time. I usually start a piece before take off to help prevent the air pressure weirdness. As it says at https://homeremedyshop.com/15-home-remedies-for-plugged-ears-that-work-quickly/, gum can be used to unblock clogged ears at any time. I’ve used it during mountain road trips and head colds to open things up. Does anyone remember Fruit Stripes…the gum with the zebra on the wrapper?
Surprising Health Benefits of Chewing Gum #4: Helps You Quit Smoking
As a former smoker, I completely understand the challenges to quitting. I honestly don’t think I could have done it as easily without my constant companion… 5 Gum. It helped keep my mind busy and my breath fresh. Know this, chewing gum may not be the automatic resolution to a smoking habit but, it helps. Nicorette gum is also an option to chew your way to freedom. It works by delivering a controlled amount of nicotine into your system while giving you something to do. Then, gradually, over time, you reduce the amounts until you end your nicotine addiction once and for all.
Surprising Health Benefits of Chewing Gum #5: Aids Nausea
There is little worse than suddenly feeling nauseous while out on the town or after a roller coaster indulgence. I am sort of an expert at this untimely phenomenon having had a long bout with chronic migraine. I learned to carry a mega stash of Double mint gum in my purse. This is not even counting all the morning sickness with 6 pregnancies…and there is the car sickness, too. Peppermint gum saved my ass so many times I can’t tell you! I hear it works wonders for hangovers too…but, of course, I wouldn’t have experience with that sort of thing. LOL with my fingers crossed behind my back.
Surprising Health Benefits Of Chewing Gum #6 Eases Heartburn
For those who get really bad heartburn after each and every meal, well, chewing gum could be the answer for you. It reduces the acid levels in your throat by stimulating saliva production. This, in turn, makes you swallow more, clearing acid more easily and faster. Just avoid both peppermint and spearmint because these could make it worse.
So, as you can see, there is a bunch of reasons to hold onto that gum chewing habit. Do consider the sugar content, however, to keep your pearly whites healthy and your waistline slim. Happy chewing, everyone!
**** This post is strictly informational and is not meant to replace the advice of your health care provider. Women’s lifelink, it’s owners, administrators, contributors, affiliates, vendors, authors and editors do not claim that this information will diagnose, treat, or improve any condition or disease.