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Caroline Stewart

Could Your Dental Health Be In Jeopardy?

Our teeth are certainly prone to changes as we age or expose them to various substances. However, this tends to happen over a long period …

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4 Self-Care Benefits And Why You Need Them

Self-care is a word that is becoming increasingly popular, yet still not well defined. Maybe you have read about it and heard influencers say how …

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4 Ways To Improve Your Small Online Business

No matter what kind of home business you run, it’s important to consider how your online habits can improve and spread your message or do …

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3 Ways To Increase Small Business Credibility

When we consider smaller businesses, it’s not hard to see them as more informal and less credible than larger companies that have more leverage and …

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4 Top Business Tasks To Automate

Running a business takes a lot of your time and mental focus. Challenge is inevitable, but there’s no rule that says you can’t try to …

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6 Benefits Of Diversifying Your Services

Whether you’re running a small business or have a strong reputation as one of the best in your industry, you cannot expect things to stay …

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4 Actions To Prepare Your Child For College

The day your child leaves home to go to college is one of the most challenging days a mom can have. Feelings and thoughts spin …

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4 Good Reasons To Invest Money In Your Home

Your home is meant to be your sanctuary, as well as a financial investment for the future. It does, however, take time and money to …

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4 Ways To Help Avoid A Cybersecurity Breach

Cybersecurity is not something to be ignored or taken for granted when it comes to your business or when using the internet from home. It’s …

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6 Common New Business Mistakes To Avoid

new business mistakes to avoid

Starting and running a business is challenging, no matter what you’re doing or where you start. Unfortunately, major mistakes can start taking form before you …

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5 Skin Care Musts To Look Younger Longer

As the body’s largest organ, the skin has some very specific and important needs to stay healthy and supple. I have raised 4 daughters who learned early to always take care of their skin. Now that they are all adults, they understand why I insisted on quality skin care from an early age. At 50 and looking much younger than I should, I'm damn thankful that my mother taught me the same thing. I'm sharing my secrets with you! Here are my top 5 skin care musts to look younger longer.

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6 Smart Ways To Prioritize Your Health

Being healthy is the number one way to encourage happiness and life fulfillment. If this is true, why do so many place such a low level of importance on how healthy they are? Health is about being well enough to live a lifestyle that serves you and those you love. I don't know about you but I want to do everything possible to live that life. Here are some smart ways to prioritize your health

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3 Ways To Boost Your Career With The Internet

When it comes to jumpstarting your career, you want to use whatever means possible to get things moving. Though it's important to engage potential employers in real life and work on real skills, don’t forget about the Internet. It can make you a much more desirable candidate, build connections that last a lifetime, and even get you some insider info. Here are 3 ways to boost your career with the Internet.

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12 Savvy Ways To Make Money While In College

make money while in college

College is expensive, there's no doubt about that. And even if you are lucky to have some of your expenses taken care of, you probably still need money to supplement living expenses. With limited time and resources, you will have to get creative to earn the extra cash. Here are some savvy ways to make money while in college.

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Do You Suspect Someone You Love Might Be On Drugs?

When someone you love has a problem with alcohol or drugs, it is painful to watch them go down the slippery slope of substance abuse. You want to help. You want your loved one back. But it’s difficult to help someone who may not be thinking clearly or is having trouble seeing their problem. Unfortunately, they may only get help when they are either forced to or when something bad happens like illness, accident, or legal issues. But, you still try. The fact is, those who are dealing with addiction will either wake up and get help, stop on their own, or they will eventually suffer horrible consequences for their lifestyle.

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