A weight loss holiday is quite simply a holiday where relaxation is combined with weight loss and fitness goals. Generally they are less structured and extreme than fitness boot camps, but with a little more guidance and assistance on tap than a traditional spa break, with all the facilities and knowledgeable, well-trained staff ready to help you achieve that first step in adopting a healthier lifestyle, or to help assess and fine-tune any regimen already in place.
Read More »What The Drug Companies Don’t Want You To Know…
Photo by Lumin01 One more thing…after watching it, please post it to your social media pages and/or forward this link on to those who …
Read More »Why Have I Been Sick Since My Breakup?
I have a treat for you today, a post from Dr. Bonnie! She outlines the significance and commonplace of how heartache can actually lead to physical pain and disease. Learn from one of the best relationship experts in the world here on Women's Life Link!
Read More »Chicka Chicka Kicked My Butt!
As a woman it's sometimes difficult to devote time and evergy to self-improvement, let alone spare any to have fun. I'm sure some of you can relate to this self-denial, as kids, spouse, job(s), the house, school, and simply keeping up with life often take most of our energy. Does it really have to be this way?
Read More »Message From The Future
Another amazing video came to my attention today. The following message is universal and powerful. No matter what your spiritual beliefs are, you can glean from the content. I felt so peaceful and full of joy after watching it....something I need right now. As a woman who cares about helping others and sharing quality resources to my readers, I had to post it!
Read More »What Do You Think About “Dear Woman”?
A blogger friend of mine posted this video on her site (3 Shared Paths) today, and I was blown away by the sincerity and vulnerability of the men who put it together. It is a must see for every woman! Please let us know what you think about their message to women and where you think this type of masculine attitude will lead.
Read More »5 Things Your Significant Other Needs To Know About You
Photo by JadeBeloved Let’s face it, there are just some things that your significant other NEEDS to understand about you. And, these “things” are not …
Read More »Fibromyalgia Awareness: One Woman’s Story
A diagnosis of fibromyalgia carries a negative stigma in society because the symptoms are very vague and are not so clear-cut as other diseases/conditions. I have actually heard people say that there is no such thing as fibromyalgia, or that the symptoms are fake and they are all in the person's head. It is also widely believed that people who have fibromyalgia just want attention and/or medication.
Read More »Meet Entrepreneur April Morris
I'd like to introduce a special, new friend, April Morris. She is a entrepreneur, inventor, and beauty expert with quite a following. I met April on Facebook, one of the many platforms she uses to promote her product THINgloss and spread the word about her business ideas. Please read on and learn about what puts this inspirational woman ahead in her business and personal life.
Read More »Can NSAIDS Really Hurt Me?
Hi Everyone. I don't often do this, but here's an article republished in whole from leading health expert Dr. Mercola. I found it extremely troubling, as I take my share of NSAIDS for migraine pain. Please post it on your social media pages or forward it to friends and family who take common pain relievers for chronic pain.
Read More »Women’s Life Experience Compared To Men’s
How different are women and men? I'm not really sure why this question just popped up into my head today; however, I'm going with it. I think there are some women who would rather eat a worm than be compared to men. On the other end of that pole are those who gladly acknowledge the distinct strengths and weaknesses of both sexes and are grateful for the comparison. It's likely that most of us with two X chromosomes fall somewhere in between the two extremes.
Read More »Women’s Day Is Every Day
I am woman, hear me roar!!!! Or at least meow... Happy International Women's Day, everyone! It's nice to have a whole day dedicated to honoring women; however, I like to honor us/them on a daily basis. Bloggers who dedicate their entire sites to women are the ones who are making a difference for millions of women all over the world.
Read More »Chocolate & Vicodin: A Review
So, yeah, my migraine recovery is going fairly well, in the sense that I've hardly had any headaches. However, since I've been out of the hospital, I have acquired a bad chest cold. I chalk that one up to the havoc wreaked on my immune system by five days of IV steroids, the medical equivalent of robbing Peter to pay Paul. No, it hasn't been a great week, but, nonetheless, I've managed to get some work done and catch up one some reading.
Read More »The Best Energy Jewelry
I received this in my inbox from my friend Deborah Stuart, metaphysics expert and owner of HighChi Jewelry. If you ever wished that your jewelry had more purpose than just looking stylish, here's what you've been looking for. I love how beautiful her pieces are! And how powerful!
Read More »Where Do I Belong?
Leave it to me to load a question like that, as if it was a one pound baked potato with all the toppings you could possibly eat in one sitting. And, as stuffing yourself with a mammoth starch-riddled spud tends to make you feel like a gluttonous ogre, trying to answer this inquiry quickly and with clarity puts your mind into digestive overload. You wonder if your thoughts about yourself and your current status genuinely "belong" to a world that was meant for you or if you are simply avoiding it out of fear or confusion? Well, I say both.
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