It is no shock that of those millions of patients, many either don't really need the meds or are being used as "experimental" subjects to determine if the drug will help conditions other than depression. It is in this fact that one has to be careful about not only starting an antidepressant but getting off of one.
Read More »Why Do I Get Emotional Ups and Downs?
Ah, those wonderful - and cursed - emotions, earning the right to compete with the most thrilling and frightening of roller-coasters. I'm not talking about the extremes that would land you a bi-polar diagnosis, no, just the ordinary ones that take you from one day to the next; the ones that may, on occasion, make you question your sanity but are benign...for the most part.
Read More »Make Your Bedroom a Healthful Haven
As one of the most sacred of spaces, the bedroom has the potential to bring peace and serenity or ill-health and distress. I'm only scratching the surface of how important it is to have balance in this area. Focus on the actual sleeping space of the room first. How does it make you feel?
Read More »How Long Does It Take To Get Healthy?
I've been tossing around the question: How long does it take to get healthy? My gut tells me several things immediately; first, it depends on what level of health you are seeking and from what point you are starting. Because there are varying degrees of wellness, we have to pay attention to more specific goals in order to get a clear understanding of our progress.
Read More »Why Do Rainbows Make You Happy?
One thing that most of you don't know about me is that I have a background in Interior Design/Decorating. It was my chosen career for many years before I surrendered fully to my calling and purpose. I still have a love for all things beautiful and for making environments healthful and blissful.
Read More »Everyone Cheats
Now that I have your attention, I'm going to give it to you...every one of you. That's right; we all cheat. We cheat ourselves out of the fulfilling, healthful life we should have. And we do it ALL the time! You heard me correctly. Oh, how do we cheat? Let me to count the ways...
Read More »Being a Well Parent
As parents, we often worry about our choices that concern our children, what form of discipline to use, how to tell them about sex, how much independence to give. It's a never-ending challenge to balance the good with the bad. Though all of these things and much more are important, I find myself thinking about something completely different...
Read More »Money Issues and Your Health
Dr. Lamse has joined us today to answer a couple of questions. Remember, if you have any inquiries for her or anyone on the author panel, please direct them via the Contact Page. They will be answered here on the site in the upcoming weeks. Be well-be beautiful-be happy.
Read More »Five Best Instant Energy Boosters
Coming to you as a woman who has dealt with low energy issues off and on for years, primarily due to chronic pain (migraine) and insufficient sleep, I'm also one who researches and uses many techniques to improve my own wellness and energy levels. My discoveries have led me to a much more consistent state of health and the perfect ways to get a little extra zing in my day.
Read More »Bio-Communication Testing
I am so thrilled that Dr. Terri Hawkins-Fox is sharing today on Bio-Communication Nutritional Testing. She is the founder and owner of Natural Rejuvenation in Indianapolis, Indiana, an expert in mind/body health, a certified massage theripist, and an author.
Read More »5 Quick Ways to Relax
I did an experiment to determine how I could relax quickly and without much fuss. Fussing is not the way to get in the zen zone. However, the following five things will, at least, get you going in the right direction.
Read More »“Press” Here
Well, the topic for today is one that might make a few of you cringe or at least think about whether I have read your to speak. It's just too big of an issue to not address here before God and everyone. So, let's move on.
Read More »Girls Going Green
In honor of Earth month, I wanted to share a couple of ways in which we can be mindful of our planet...notice the Green titles, just for fun. I know it gets overwhelming thinking about changing your lifestyle to suit the "Earth-friendly" buzz that's flying around these days.
Read More »Obesity Problem?
Every year we see more and more people become a part of the overweight/obese crowd. The reasons are somewhat obvious when you consider what it is that most humans eat on a regular basis.
Read More »Mind/Body Medicine
Prolonged fear, grief, helplessness, anxiety, anger, resentment, and other negative emotions can reduce the effectiveness of your immune system, nervous system, and endocrine system, thus increasing risk of cancer, as well as autoimmune, gut, and heart conditions.
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