"You Are What You Absorb": Enzymes to the Rescue By Dr. Ance Lamse I was stunned when I checked the vitamin and mineral levels of one of my patients who had been taking her high-quality supplements faithfully. She was deficient in many vitamins and minerals!
Read More »Do Women Care More About Health Than Men?
If your household runs anything like mine, then every time you turn around someone (I won't name names, but HE is a man, maybe the father of your offspring) sabotages your efforts to promote a healthful lifestyle. It's one thing if they want to pollute their own bodies with the likes of Doritos, Bugles, and soda, but back away from the kids; and keep that tempting snack parade out of our sight!
Read More »What’s Happening Inside Your Body?
The Inside Scoop on Supplements I have been giving you information about how to deal with the aging of your skin, most particularly your face. But did you know that you can fight aging from the inside out?
Read More »90 Day Health Challenge: Week 9
Today I want to talk to you about products- the ones that help us reach our health potential. Recently, I have been getting into organic personal care products and some natural therapies, especially in the aromatherapy category. To some the thought of getting healthy because of some scent is preposterous at best.
Read More »Fortunate Friday: Knowledge
Have you ever dined out and had the server plop a plate of food down in front of you that could feed a football team? We are constantly bombarded with food portions that are WAY out of line with those that we should be eating. The key here is knowledge.
Read More »Why Do You Want to Be Healthy?
Wellness Wednesday: You tell us. Today, I pose the question: Why do you want to be healthy? It is a known fact that if you don't have a good enough reason to do something, one that motivates through the hard stuff, you won't do it. So, I ask you to share your thoughts about this important subject.
Read More »Why Does Healthy Food Cost So Much?
In general woman seem to hold the purse strings when it comes to the family food budget, just as they primarily make the food choices. You may have noticed it a little more difficult to afford feeding your family lately, especially if you want healthy, organic food on your table.
Read More »90 Day Health Challenge: Week 8
Do you ever feel like you are more healthy in one area of your life than you've ever been, and yet, another area is in the gutter? I'm kind of there right now. Let me explain.
Read More »More Instant Health Boosters
Wellness Wednesday: Beating Inflammation If you have been keeping up with my 90 Day Health Challenge, than you know that I have a problem with inflammation. It causes headaches (ones that last much longer than they should), sore muscles and joints, and a fatigue that makes exercise difficult to say the least.
Read More »90 Day Health Challege: Week 7
The weeks are really flying by here! Overall, I feel good about my progress with my self-induced program- a personal trainer would be nice, though. I think I'd be more inclined to go further with my fitness level; lunges are just no fun unless someone is standing over you barking, "One more, you can do one more, you lazy cow!
Read More »What is Your Health Footprint?
WellnessWednesday It is a well known fact that we are influenced by whom we hang around, live with, and even whom we share our time …
Read More »Are Cell Phones Dangerous?
As women, we are busy; communication is important to us. For most of us, mobile technology has become as important as running water and electricity- a cultural necessity. And, being without our cell phones would be a disaster, or at least constitute a mild tizzy.
Read More »90 Day Health Challenge: Week 6
Oh, crap...this thing is halfway over! And, I wish I could say that I'd reached all of my mid-point goals - not so much, but I haven't given up. At least the challenge has prodded me to move closer to them. I did have a small epiphany this week though. While at my chiropractor's office, I had to use the restroom and noticed a framed quote on a table across from the toilet.
Read More »Organic Tea At It’s Best
Sitting on the deck with a cup of quality tea, a good book, and a cool September breeze in my face is what I call a perfect way to spend a few moments of peace. There is truly something calming about taking in the scent of a hot beverage that you know is good for you. Because finding new organic products and edibles is one of my passions, I went looking and found a wonderful source for all-natural, gourmet teas.
Read More »What is Skin Brushing?
I was first introduced to dry skin brushing years ago by a friend and have utilized the technique ever since. The first thing you should know is it has nothing to do with the hair on your body (unless your man looks like an ape and needs that type of grooming). Dry skin brushing is an easy, inexpensive way to invigorate your health.
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