Today was a life-changer day for me - a day of reckoning. I just spent over three months diving deep, hundreds of hours, working harder than I've ever worked, creating, building, fine-tuning an online course, my first. It was my steepest learning curve yet - just the technology alone would have derailed me even a year ago, much less the visioning, the multi-tasking, the focus required. Today it launched for the first time - version 1.0 - and not a single person has bought in yet and who knows, maybe no one will. And for the first time ever I am so good with that.
Read More »Just A Speed Bump…
Wow, I feel like it's been forever since I sat down to write a post! The out-of-state move has been a challenging time to say the least. But I'm back! Though I still have boxes to unpack and curtains to hang, I'm looking past the physical stuff for a bit to stare into my emotional self. Change is hard. And it can even feel like your whole world is imploding on you. I've run the wheel of emotions for the past few months, as we anticipated this move and the shift we would experience. And, yes, it's felt like one huge whirlwind at times! But, really, it's just a speed bump on the journey!
Read More »Your Weekly Dose of Diva: Why “You Should Know” Just Doesn’t Cut It…
Hello all you amazing Diva's out there! Divine Inspired Vessels of Awesomeness that is. This week we've got a weekly dose hot off the presses of one of my intuitive downloads/epiphanies.
Read More »Your Weekly Dose of Diva: Getting to the Heart of the matter…
Is anyone out there feeling the change in the seasons profoundly this year? I find as my relationship to nature and the rhythms of the world around me grows, so does my sensitivity to its shifts and changes. As with any growing and evolving relationship, as the level of intimacy and awareness grows our connection grows with it. I reflect on this today, because this is a journey that I have been taking with the relationship with my heart - a deepening connection that is being reflected by all of my relationships.
Read More »Your Weekly Dose of Diva: Something Pretty Darn Cool!
It's so good to be sitting down and writing to you. We've got quite a few brand new folks joining us - welcome to your very first dose of Diva! I'm writing to you on a beautiful day here on the West coast, sunny and warm. Just soaking in this incredible time of year as much as I can. This week I'm changing things up a little because something pretty darn cool happened. I was on TV!
Read More »The Mirror Project
Well, I wrote this wanting to inspire but, at the same time, I was not feeling very inspired because I had been looking at the news. Another teen killed by someone who did not wish to accept the fact that he was different than him. Another parent asking if they should step down from ministry because their daughter just came out of the closet. Another person judging me. Another person judging you. I JUDGE ME. I don't need others doing it. So this became a look in the mirror moment. We all have things we do not like about ourselves. What do you do about it? Do you go out and judge the next person? Or fix what you do not like about yourself?
Read More »Fit Life-Changing Habits And Rituals Into Your Busy Lifestyle
Rituals are something we all do, without even thinking. For example, we all have a morning ritual. I wake up, get out of bed, go straight to my bathroom, make a pee-pee, wash my hands and brush my teeth. Then I go into my office and turn on my Himalayan Salt Lamp and read my emails. Mike brings me up my morning coffee (ruled by Saturn = work) and after I’ve worked for about 1 hour, I get up, put on my workout clothes, make my altar devotions and go work out. Then I shower and get dressed for the day (purification by water). Simply put: A ritual is a series of steps that you follow. A habit is something you do over and over without consciously thinking about and therefore is hard to stop. Most of us lead very busy lives, it’s the way things are these days… so adding in a new ritual or habit can seem hard to do.
Read More »Your Weekly Dose of Diva: Dancing Like Crazy And Other Things That Keep Us Sane…
This one's a shorty but a goodie. And it's all about what each one of us needs to maintain sanity (particular at the crazy end of summer time that always feels so darn hectic).
Read More »Your Weekly Dose of Diva: Rules to live by…
Can I start by saying that all the comments and connection for last weeks post were unbelievable. I just love it when you join in the conversation! It makes writing that much more rewarding. Sometimes when you write it can feel a little like you're talking to yourself! So thank you! I felt like it would be fitting to continue on last weeks train of thought and add a little twist that a number of your comments had me pondering. Yep, this week is all about rules to live by!
Read More »Aspiring Actress From Sudan Beats Her Tormentors And Reaches For The Stars
Anyieth Kuotz is a rising actress, originating from South Sudan, who has had to beat her tormenters while proving to her negative thinking family that she could do it – she could become the actress that not only she wanted to be – but even the MC at her primary school graduation publicly announced that she should be. It seems the fact that she could always make people laugh coupled with being one of the friendliest students prepared her for the future. If only she could make her family believe that.
Read More »Your Weekly Dose Of Diva: Tales Of A Rule-Breaker
Let's talk about rules. Yes, I know...makes you want to yawn just thinking about it but hear me out. Over the last decade I have become quite a rule-breaker...not traditional rules like “thou shalt not steal” but all the rules we set for ourselves daily. Let me give you an example. When Diva my horse first came into my life I had an entire rule book on how being with a horse should look, how they should act, how a good horse behaved and so on. There was a heck of a lot of self-imposed rules that I’d built up and internalized through my previous riding experience and things I’d learned in childhood and beyond.
Read More »Bring Positive Energy & Magic Into Your Home
It is essential to realize that your living space reflects and affects your inner life, thoughts and your personal vibration… and those “things” create your life experience. So, if you bless your home and bestow it with an abundance of love and positive thought, it becomes a gracious container in which you can manifest more beauty, divine grace and abundance into your life!
Read More »It’s Bananas!
Do you ever wonder why we continue to do things the same old way just because it's the way we were taught or it's the accepted way? I'm finding that I'm questioning everything I ever learned and wondering if there is better and more efficient ways to accomplish my goals. I'm pretty sure that there is, and I'm determined to find each and every one of them. As a part of my own self-development, I've realized that it's my responsibility to find the most serving ways to live, grow, and effect change for myself and the world around me.
Read More »Your Weekly Dose Of Diva: How To Deal With Brain Overload
Anyone else out there with lessons, ah-hahs and ideas coming at them at the speed of light? We are officially in summer warp speed! A time to get a little quieter, a little softer and a little stiller, even when the energy of things wants to whip you into a frenzy. I feel a horse metaphor or two coming on. But I digress.
Read More »Your Weekly Dose of Diva: A Whole Herd Of Epiphanies!
Sending you a big hello from big sky country! I’m currently ensconced in the living quarters of a horse trailer (check out my photos), on a small ranch just west of Cache Creek, BC sitting fairly squarely in the middle of one hundred thousand acres of grazing land. That is a whole lot of space!
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