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Inner Journey

4 Musts To Make Your Dreams Come True

If making dreams come true was easy… well, everybody would be living the life of their dreams, wouldn’t they? But they’re not because there are …

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4 Tips For Effectively Turning Your Passion Into A Career

So you want to take your passion to the next level? You are not alone. Millions of people dream of turning a hobby or life …

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3 Exciting Ways To Fire Up A New Life Season

No matter what your age or life season, there may come a time when you feel a little stagnant. These times can be unpleasant and …

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4 Ways To Beat Defeatism Before It Beats You

Have you ever thought that you were not able to do something, or that you couldn’t achieve your goal? Some people even think that they …

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3 Highly Effective Ways To Heal From Trauma

Recovering from an illness, injury, or traumatic life event can affect us deeply and in many ways. We can choose to allow these events to …

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4 Exciting Career Options For The Free-Spirited Woman

If you are feeling a little stifled and bored at your job, there are plenty of alternatives to infuse your life with a little excitement. Women with creative personalities tend to need a little sparkle in their day to truly feel fulfilled. The typical office life can actually hinder creativity, health, and well-being for these individuals. I believe these 4 exciting career options for the free-spirited woman might be just the remedy!

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4 Tips To Achieve Work And Personal Life Balance For The Busy Woman

You’re a parent, spouse, friend, daughter, employee or even a business owner. Can you really wear all those hats successfully without succumbing to stress and neglect of important people and matters? There are some amazing women out there who somehow manage to do just that. I would be lying if I said that I was that woman all the time. Yes, I've failed at work and personal life balance and failed miserably. I also learned that hating myself for those times doesn't help. What does help is good old-fashioned knowing the problem, seeking options, and action to change it.

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5 Top Stress-Busting Actions You Can Do Today

How do we take back control of our lives and put stress behind us? I just had an 1.5 hour conversation with my integrative doctor about this very topic. Stress is a killer...literally. Managing stress levels goes a long way to help your life, specifically, your physical and mental health. The fortunate thing is that simply making a few small changes to your lifestyle will help curb stress and the body's response to it. Though I could talk about this topic for much longer, here are 5 top stress-busting actions.

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3 Major Things To Consider When Getting Advice

I've never met a woman who didn't need help from other people from time to time. That help often comes in the form of advice from the bestie or mom. The problem with taking advice all the time is that your best interest might not be winning out in the end. Opinions can be tainted with the personality and desires of the people giving them. It's important to make sure that you serve your needs and create happiness with the decisions you make. Here are 3 major things to consider when getting advice.

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3 Big Musts For Reaching Our Full Potential

It can be incredibly frustrating, even upsetting, to feel as though we aren’t reaching our full potential. Reaching our full potential can, however, be an elusive term and goal because there really aren't any absolutes. There aren't any magic spells or guide books to lead each of us to that holy grail. The fact is, though, our potential is far greater than most of us are willing to believe. Fortunately, there is a way to measure your state of being and whether you are moving in a positive direction. If you continue to learn and grow and make quality decisions that make you happy, I believe you are moving toward full potential.

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5 Ways To Encourage Women To Be Leaders

Women’s lives can be busy with home, children, work, pets, and significant others. Self-care and reflection can slip through your fingers without awareness much of the time. It’s not surprising that many women shy away from leadership roles at work or in other organizations. After all, who needs the added stress? However, the world needs strong women to show up and share their unique abilities and gifts. So, how do we enable ourselves to lead more and still keep the balance? Furthermore, how do we encourage our daughters, sisters, friends, clients, neighbors and moms to fulfill their leadership potential? Here are my top 5 ways to encourage women to be leaders!

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3 Fulfilling Career Shifts For The Midlife Woman

If you've come to a point in your career where you feel restless and unfulfilled, it may be time to make some changes. Trust me, you are not alone. This may even be a little scary for you, especially if you're well into your middle years. However, you don't want to end up regretting your life. Instead, how about seeing what career shifts could make you happy and fit more closely with your dreams. There are so many opportunities out there for women who aren't afraid to work hard and even continue their education later in life. Here are 3 fulfilling career shifts for the midlife woman.

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3 Tips To Turn Your Hobby Into Cash

Most women, whether young or old, have at least one hobby. That little activity that allows her to escape from the stresses of life. It also puts her back in touch with her creative side. I've had so many hobbies over the years, it's hard to remember them all. And, yes, I have made money with some of them. For me, it was simply fun to create things that people actually wanted to buy. For others, it's all about living the dream of supporting themselves by doing something that doesn't feel like work. Either way, here are my top 3 tips to turn your hobby into cash.

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3 Things That Hold Women Back From Their Dream Job

It’s Sunday evening, how do you feel? Are you dreading your alarm going off in the morning or are you cool with the fact that you’ve had a couple of days off and a new adventure awaits in the week ahead? It’s perfectly normal to wish the weekends lasted a little longer, but what if you had a job that made Sunday night blues a thing of the past? If you’re dreaming of a new job, what’s stopping you from going for it? I'm betting it's one or more of these 3 things that hold women back from their dream job. That's OK, there's always a way to move forward if you want something badly enough.

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3 Life Skills You Want To Take From Your Job

There are many things you can take from your job or career to benefit you personally...and, no, this isn’t about stealing office supplies for home use. Among the technical skills and job specifics you glean from your position, there are other savvy skills that will serve you. And, these days, with our jobs taking so much of our time, we want to get all that we can out of those precious hours. Here are 3 life skills you want to take from your job.

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