Spring is my favorite season. It’s the time of the year when we focus on birth, life, blossoming into the women we were meant to be. So as Kellie recently awaited the birth of her first grandchild, I await the birth of me.
Read More »Open Your Heart To A New YOU!
The doors just opened to the most expansive, heart-centered, soul-inspired gift giveaway EVER! Mastering the Art of LivingTM is dedicated to providing loads of inspirational resources to women all over the world.
Read More »Stop Making Excuses In 5 Easy Steps
Half way through our New You in 31 Days Challenge I've noticed my own attempted excuses to either put off or not carry out my intentions for each day. "I'm tired," or "It's too late. No one will read my post now," or "No good ideas are coming to me." And where exercising is concerned, they are nearly endless. "I don't want to get sore," or "I don't have time," or "You can just do it tomorrow," and "I need someone to exercise with." Really? I don't think so. I'm just stalling and putting off what will actually change my life. And, you all know when you do it, too. Don't make excuses for your excuses, either!
Read More »Is Social Media Hurting Me?
I recently deactivated my Facebook® account for a couple months and, after the initial shock of not having a news feed to scroll through passed, I realized I was experiencing some crazy emotions. I was sad, missing all my daily interactions. I was lonely, lonelier than I had ever been in the past. My phone was extra quiet and the ones I reached out to, gave me a hard time about deactivating. I was frustrated!
Read More »Live Life Victoriously
How do you view your everyday life? Is it a battle you fight daily, or is it an adventure? It's all in the way you look at things! Instead of focusing on setbacks and the next frustration, plan for the next adventure.
Read More »The Magic Of Doing Something Different!
The most profound changes I've ever made in my life have been the result of doing small things differently. And I'm positive you will have the same motivating results if you just give it a try. As a part of our 31-Days To a New You challenge, I would like for you to consider doing at least five of the thirteen acts listed below. I've even given you a little incentive by giving facts or potential benefits to changing it up. Enjoy your day and set a standard of consistency for the month!
Read More »Recreation And Re-creation
I am always held spellbound by semantics and linguistics; words can say so much and mean so many different things to different people. This struck me the other day regarding the word ‘recreation’. Think about the word recreation; it might conjure images of fun, down time, sports and hobbies, time with the kids, relaxation and enjoyment. It’s the time spent away from your working life, the chores and the 'should be doing' tasks your mind keeps reminding you of.
Read More »Motorcycles VS The Bedroom
I’ve recently discovered the pleasure, and pain, of being a motorcycle passenger. With that came an education in the definition of ‘squid’ according to the book of Mark. No, not that book. I’m talking about the book of Mark Hardman, my life partner and fellow adventurist. According to him, a squid is a newbie who is also a poser. On the road a squid is the guy wearing flip-flops, hunched way down over his bike while driving 65 mph or the girl wearing a bikini. They think they look like a sexy pro, but really just look a bit silly, and risky, to the experienced rider.
Read More »Topsy-Turvey!
Remember the balance beam in the school yard? Did you walk on it, balancing with your arms out from your side in the air? What about the lines on the sidewalk that you would walk like a tightrope? It was all about feeling the success of walking the line without falling off. We all have experienced that bliss of success. We also all know how it feels to "fall" and be in the topsy-turvey moments. How did you handle it when you fell off the balance beam? Did you criticize yourself? Did you swear to never get up on that thing again? Or, did you get right back up and take the risk of falling off again? Maybe a little of both? But here is the nitty-gritty: Each choice we make has a purpose. Life requires moments of imbalance in order to find the perfect balance.
Read More »Life With A Twist
Ahhhhhh summertime! I just love ice clinking in a glass and then adding the lemonade. Wait. I am not done. I would also like a slice of lime, a slice of lemon, a cherry - stem on because it looks so much more decadent that way, and a sliced strawberry. Oh sure...add a slice of orange and some pineapple too. What do you mean, "That's not lemonade?" It is lemonade...with a twist.
Read More »Testing, Testing, One-Two…Testing
When we are at school, we are subjected to all sorts of tests; on the spot math tests, spelling tests, end of year exams, high school certificates and the list goes on. In the early days the tests are quick, painless and mostly fun. Then they become more serious, there is study to be undertaken and there is the need to find the ability to cope with the testing process. It can be a nerve-wracking experience. What it does do is ‘test’ students (pardon the pun), it makes them think, it gives a clearer understanding of their abilities, their short-falls, where they can learn more and what they excel at; in the testing platform. What happens when we leave school though?
Read More »The Buddha Bowl
How do you express your wishes to whom or whatever you hold faith in...Universe/Source/God? How do you express your gratitude? Have you ever considered that those expressions are imperative? About 7 years ago on a visit to one of my oldest and dearest friends, we went to a pottery painting place. They had all kinds of pieces that you could paint to your liking and then they would glaze and fire them. Generally they were ready for pick up within a week. It was a great evening, filled with laughter,paint, and messy hands!
Read More »Chasing Happiness
In our lives today, we’re so rushed with everything there is to do, both personally and professionally, we have no idea whether we’re happy or not. Our lives tend to be about the next thing on the “to-do” list, or the next appointment we have, or the next thing in our over-scheduled lives. It’s hard to just stop for moment. Breathe for a moment. Think for a moment. And that’s exactly what stops us from seeing the happiness and the joy there is around us to be had at any given moment in the day.
Read More »Life’s Canvas
Each of our lives start as blank canvas. You get to add the colors with the strokes of your brush through your actions and attitudes toward the things you do, feel and accomplish. Here is the way I decide which colors are going on my canvas: Anything positive, like joy, love, mercy, grace, hope, giving, and helping others are my pastels and bright colors. Anger and bitterness, hate, selfishness, and deceit are the dark, foreboding colors that don't allow for a beautiful portrait.
Read More »Make Your Own Remix
Along with new technology, digital technology particularly, comes the desire and the ability to re-do, re-hash, dress up, re-create and re-produce media of all shapes and forms. This remediation is not always for the better; sometimes it’s a sideways step, sometimes it’s completely over the top. But what it always does is create something new, this is regardless of whether or not we recognise it or can compare it to what has gone before. This whole construct had me thinking. What if we viewed ourselves as a medium ready and willing for re-mixing or remediating? The opportunities are endless and there are different ways of approaching this, different levels of remixed media.
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