As a Migraine sufferer, I've been asking this question for years. After experiencing countless medications, therapies, tests, hospitalizations, and supplements, I still don't claim to have the complete answer; I do have some interesting ideas to share with you though.
Read More »Remembering Mom
My Own Loss Ten years ago today, I slept on a pull out bed with my husband and children the night we chose to stay at the hospice care facility where my mother spent her last days. There was nothing unusual about the night, nothing to prompt our need to be there anymore than the night before.
Read More »Think Your Way to Happiness
Thousands of fleeting thoughts run through our minds every day. Some we choose to let pass like a speeding bus; while others are held captive by a need to dwell on their implications. They may develop in our mind's eye as if a tiny artist stand painting a picture inside of us.
Read More »Where Has Mentorship Gone?
I sat in my living room the other day talking to a friend. We got on the subject of mentorship by way of realizing that neither of us had a great example of a loving marriage as we were growing up. I took the thought further by trying to think of any couple that I knew personally who would score an eight or higher in that department.
Read More »A Good Time to Change
Believe it or not, there's nothing that says let's make some changes like getting kicked in the face or being thrown down to the mattress with a month long bout of pneumonia. The fact is, pain and adversity have long been keys to some of the greatest triumphs in life has been no exception.
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