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Fantasuite Theme Hotel Review (Caveman fantasy anyone?)

This is part 1 of an ongoing quest to bring you the sexiest places to play, with or without a partner. I'm rating for service, atmosphere, cleanliness, technology, and total spice factor. Under The Magnifying Glass: Fantasuite Hotel, Greenwood Indiana. A cave fantasy can take you from over the top gorgeous vampire gowns to primitive bits of torn leather. Whether you want to play vampiress or be thrown over a man's shoulder this will provide a romantic and sensually intense backdrop.

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Have a Sexier Valentine’s Naturally

For the ♥LOVE WEEK♥ version of Doc Talk, we are going to take a look at some advice on sprucing up your libido just in time for Valentine's Day. Just don't forget to consult with your health care provider before starting any new health practices. Dr. Cathy Wong, ND, CNS, is a licensed naturopathic doctor and an American College of Nutrition-certified nutrition specialist. The author of The Inside-Out Diet: 4 Weeks to Natural Weight Loss, Total Body Health, and Radiance has some interesting tips for bringing out your best in the bedroom.

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An Unusual Life Of The Second Wife

Anais Nin once said, "Love never dies a natural death. It dies because we don't know how to replenish it's source. It dies of blindness and errors and betrayals. It dies of illness and wounds; it dies of weariness, of witherings, of tarnishings ". In part I whole heartedly agree with her. Love does not just fade away into the back ground. One or both parties let it die.

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Talking With Your Daughter About Sex (Not for the weak of heart.)

There are plenty of books out there that deal with how to tell your kids about sex, the dangers of promiscuity, how their bodies are changing, and protection. Talking with your daughter about the pleasures of sex is a whole other matter. How do we discuss the fact that it’s fun, adventurous, and meant to be shared? My goal here is to help you along, not to hand you a speech. I’ll cover some of the subjects you may not have even thought of as a teen but which our kids may be facing in school and on the internet.

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5 Important Things To Teach Your Daughter

Though I'm not claiming to be an expert in child development, I think having and raising 6 children (3 of which are grown, successful women) puts me in the ball park to at least give a little advice. Raising 5 girls has been a life-changing experience for me. I've seen my strengths and, of course, my weaknesses as they impact my girls. Over the years I've realized there are certain things that girls need to know in order to be strong, happy women. Here are my top 5 lessons to teach your daughter (preferably before she gets to college).

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What About This Mothering Thing?

I am a mother. I have 3 little people. Two daughters and one son; ages 9, 7 and 5 respectively. I have a mother, and I have a mother-in-law. I also still have a living grandmother. So what is a mother? If we refer to the dictionary the definition is concise - a ‘female parent’. But how do we do it and what are our expectations of being a mother? What about having a mother? Surely it’s more than being a female parent. It’s about the nurturing, the teaching, the sharing, the guidance and the companionship. There are many books penned on just the issues of how to be a better mother and how to deal with the position of being a mother.

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Where Are You Mother?

It's Mother-Daughter week and it is also “Triggers” week in my group therapy. Coincidence? I think not. The kicker – my mother (whom I do not have a relationship with) recently contacted me on Facebook. It’s funny when you start making changes in your life, the little things that you try to ignore, rear up their ugly heads. What would the old me do?

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Dear Daughter

From the moment I knew you were inside my womb, I dreamed of how beautiful you would be, how smart, and how loving to the world around you. Your first cry marked the beginning of your incredible journey of life in a world that isn't always kind or loving back. So with the amazing joy I felt at that instant, a fear also gripped my heart. I was afraid of losing you. Every mother feels this bittersweet tug of war in her spirit. I also feared that I would somehow not be a good mother to you, that I would monumentally screw up your life in some obscure way.

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Journey to Sexual Freedom

I don’t mind saying I have the best sex life ever. Probably better than anyone else’s. I know that sounds egotistical, but that is how content I am, with where I am, in that area in my life. I’ve achieved the pinnacle of success in that area of my life. But not before I swam through a lot of dry flavorless valleys. Actually I wasn’t swimming; I was pretending to doggy paddle and really drowning.

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I had an epiphany the other day, and I have been unable to shake it, so I thought I might share it with you.

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Why Have I Been Sick Since My Breakup?

I have a treat for you today, a post from Dr. Bonnie! She outlines the significance and commonplace of how heartache can actually lead to physical pain and disease. Learn from one of the best relationship experts in the world here on Women's Life Link!

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5 Things Your Significant Other Needs To Know About You

Photo by JadeBeloved Let’s face it, there are just some things that your significant other NEEDS to understand about you. And, these “things” are not …

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Women’s Life Experience Compared To Men’s

How different are women and men? I'm not really sure why this question just popped up into my head today; however, I'm going with it. I think there are some women who would rather eat a worm than be compared to men. On the other end of that pole are those who gladly acknowledge the distinct strengths and weaknesses of both sexes and are grateful for the comparison. It's likely that most of us with two X chromosomes fall somewhere in between the two extremes.

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How To Show Your Love

Happy Friday, everyone! I'd like to share a treat with you today with a post from relationship expert Maryanne Comaroto. I've been in the hospital for almost a week with a killer headache that seems to love the view from my brain...you should know I've served an eviction notice. So, anyway, I'm thankful for Maryanne's timely articles that not only give me a rest but fit in well here at Women's Life Link. Her to-the-point wisdom and lovable humor is enlightening for everyone whether you're in a blissful or troubled relationship or looking for a new love. Let me know what you think about her advice, and feel free to share any stories or comments about personal experiences.

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Having Teens And A Toddler

Hi all, I've experienced a grand scale of emotions, events, and dilemmas as a parent of six children, especially now that three of them are teens still at home, and one of them is only 2.5 years old. Yes, you could say my life is interesting, crazy, and even a little stressful. One of the strangest things is having to think about all the different things that they each of them need, like my two teen girls will likely need prom dresses here soon; my 13-year-old son needs baseball garb; and my youngest is itching for one of the outdoor playsets that make home...well, more like the park. That's a lot to think about and plan for, even for the most experienced of moms.

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