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Relationships: Giving and Receiving

We all want a relationship where we feel fully loved, deeply understood, and deeply valued, and where we walk the journey in complete harmony with another. Many times we are looking to the other person to provide us with what we want and need, when in truth, we simply mirror that in which we give. We often have the idea that when the perfect person comes around, we will begin to be on our best behavior, and that we will change when we meet him or her.

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Girl Friends are Life!

Girl friends help me to see the other side, alternatives, and ways to tackle the issue. Personally I receive girl friends as precious gifts from God. They have given me love, companionship, strength, confidence, peace, and joy! (Not to mention the shoulder massages!)

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Finding Common Ground With Your Teen

Do you remember what it was like to be 13, 16, or even 21? It's easy to recall major life events of your adolescent years, but sharing an empathetic moment with your own teenage girl might be difficult as time erases our past emotions - no wonder we find raising teens challenging. The fact is, children, at any age, seem to think that we have been perpetually grown up and never dealt with peer pressure or the physical, emotional, and mental changes with which they are bombarded on a daily basis. The other problem is they are trying to become adults, and we are trying to prevent it from happening- at least for a while.

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Fashion Dos and Dont’s: For the Bedroom

1. Don't ever, ever wear a flannel, granny nightgown to bed. Don't do it even if you are a granny. 2. Do let your significan't other see you in lingerie that flatters your body.

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Remembering Mom

My Own Loss Ten years ago today, I slept on a pull out bed with my husband and children the night we chose to stay at the hospice care facility where my mother spent her last days. There was nothing unusual about the night, nothing to prompt our need to be there anymore than the night before.

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