When we all work so hard throughout the year, special occasions like birthdays are the perfect opportunity to celebrate. A chance to let your hair …
Read More »3 Positive Ways To Balance Work And Family
Along with carrying a baby, giving birth, and, in most cases, being the primary care provider for the child, we also have to juggle other …
Read More »4 Ways To Stay Positive And Balanced During Infertility
The path to motherhood is one that holds joy and excitement for most women. However, for some, it is marked with frustration and disappointment. According …
Read More »3 Major Ways To Help Elderly Family In Your Care
You never know when an elderly family member might become ill and require extensive care. At that point, you have to make a major decision: You can place him or her in a home where they’ll get the assistance they require or take it on yourself. The latter option is preferable with most families because of emotional reasons and the fear of not finding a good facility. However, you need to understand that it’s a huge commitment. When my mom had cancer (though she wasn't elderly), it was a constant responsibility to meet her needs. Of course, I was willing and loved her dearly, but it didn't stop it from being overwhelming at times. Today, I’m going to discuss some of the things you can do to help elderly family in your care.
Read More »6 Common Reasons Love Relationships Fail
Meeting that person whom you’re attracted to, have an instant connection with and who ‘gets you’ is something many dream of. In the early days, especially, a relationship is all sunshine and rainbows. However, as time goes on, it’s natural for conflict and challenges to arise. Though no two couples are alike, there are some warning signs that things aren't going as well as you thought. Here are 6 common reasons love relationships fail.
Read More »Women’s Sexual Health: 3 Musts To Keep You Safe
Many bloggers feel uncomfortable about discussing sexual health issues, and that’s something we need to change. If we don’t get "real" and open up about what can go wrong, women will continue to get sick. STIs and STDs can ruin lives and leave people infertile. Fortunately, they are mostly preventable with some precautions and common sense. Women's sexual health should be a priority for us all. I've compiled a short list of 3 musts to keep you safe.
Read More »Should I Get Back With My Ex?: 4 Questions To Ask Yourself
You did it – you finally broke up with your partner. But, wait a minute, you’re having second thoughts. Oh my god, what if you made a mistake? What if he or she was "The One" after all? Yep, this is how many women feel when they finally sever the cord, especially if it was a long relationship.You have the choice to stubbornly soldier on with the breakup plan or turn around and patch things up. But, sometimes, breaking up isn’t a mistake. The problem is it’s hard to tell when you’ve made a good decision or a bad one. Luckily, there are some simple questions that may help you answer the big one: should I get back with my ex?
Read More »6 Important Actions For Raising Healthy Kids
Raising children is hard enough without health issues to deal with. I believe some problems can be prevented with a healthy lifestyle and quality care. There are times, however, when things just happen and you must deal with your child's illness. I've been through this many times, having raised six children. I do know a thing or two about how to handle it when it shows up. But, mostly, taking care of them is common sense and dedication. Oh, yeah, and being prepared. I've compiled some important actions for Raising Healthy Kids.
Read More »4 Major Signs That Your Relationship Is In Big Trouble
No woman enjoys that doubt in the back of her mind that her relationship is falling apart. Unfortunately, this happens a lot and doesn't always mean a breakup. You should know, though, staying in a relationship that isn’t right for you for way too long can be miserable and unproductive. Some women continue to work on their relationship because they believe their partner will change.When these women find out that they ultimately won't, they may feel like they wasted their time. It may be beneficial to know for sure if we are unhappy with who we chose early on in the relationship. This type of awareness helps to make good decisions that serve you at all stages. To get you thinking, here are 4 major signs that your relationship is in big trouble.
Read More »4 Healthy Resolution Tactics For Relationship Issues
Even the happiest of marriages and relationships can have occasional issues. Few people abstain from lovers quarrels, and those who do may be bottling up their feelings instead. Even if you always make up after you argue, some things you fight about can still go unresolved. This leads to resentment and growing problems. Arguing too much without getting anywhere or pretending all is well does not serve anyone. Here are my top 4 healthy resolution tactics for relationship issues.
Read More »4 Ways To Prepare Your Child For A Hospital Stay
***This post is a collaboration and may contain affiliate links. If your child has to go to the hospital for treatment or tests, you will …
Read More »Safe And Satisfying Sex For The Modern Woman
Despite the fact that most of the adults in this world have regular sex, it’s a topic that many don’t talk about nearly enough. That is unless it’s over cocktails with our absolute best friends. So, what do you say...shall we talk about sex? Here are 5 tips for safe and satisfying sex for the modern woman.
Read More »Relationship Fulfillment At Every Stage
When it comes to love relationships, change can be terrifying. How do you know you are making the right choices with the right person? What if things don't work out? Unfortunately, you can't ever 100% know the answers until you take the step you are contemplating. That said, there are some things you can do to create relationship fulfillment at every stage.
Read More »Is My Relationship Worth Fighting For?
Making the decision to end any relationship shouldn’t be done on a whim or in anger. And, if you find yourself on the receiving end of being unceremoniously dumped, you should consider what led up to it. If it was in the heat of the moment after an emotional throw down, you may want to step back and reflect before throwing the towel in. At this point, you may be asking yourself this: Is my relationship worth fighting for? Only you can answer that question, but here are some tips to navigating the tough road.
Read More »3 Effective Ways To Save Your Relationship
Has your relationship been in the red zone for longer than you care to admit? Have you both had enough? It might be time to make some changes. A lot of the time we avoid confronting problems because it seems easier than facing them. However, not addressing those problems may save you from having an awkward conversation, but it makes life harder. Why live in misery when you could solve the problem? The longer issues go unspoken, the more damage they can cause. Not sure how things could improve? These 3 effective ways to save your relationship are worth a try, at least.
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