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4 Ideas For Meeting A New Partner

So you’ve been single for a while and have decided that the time has come to meet someone new. The question is, where do you start? It might seem confusing knowing the best ways to meet a new partner, but it’s actually much easier than you think. To help you meet some new people, we’ve put together four useful ideas below:

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9 Ways To Help Your Teenage Girl Build Confidence

Help Your Teenage Girl Build Confidence

Teenage girls go through a lot of shit. Would you happen to remember? Their bodies are developing and changing because their hormones are on high …

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Why I Stopped My 10 Year Old Daughter from Dieting: How to Raise Body Confident Girls, Part 1

Every mother wants her daughter to grow up feeling beautiful and confident, but babies don’t come with owner’s manuals and we can only teach our girls what we know ourselves.

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Human Rights Activist, Monica Perrett, Simply Keeps Fighting

It gives me very great pleasure, to say nothing of pride, to introduce a woman who is all the above and more and also my friend of some years’ standing. Please meet aged care worker, Monica Perrett, mum to six and grandmum to one. A real battler. Monica says, she has always supported the underdog and fights for what she believes is right. And, believe me, I have watched her, albeit from afar, and she is all that she says she is.

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A New Season

Today not only marks the end of the month and the challenge but is an exciting ending to a life season for me. Tomorrow morning, I will enter into a season of life I've never been in before: I will become a grandmother for the first time! I'm so excited I can hardly keep it together here! Until now, it had not really hit me like it is today. My life is going to change in some amazing physical and energetic ways when that precious little goddess breathes her first bit of oxygen tomorrow.

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Is Social Media Hurting Me?

I recently deactivated my Facebook® account for a couple months and, after the initial shock of not having a news feed to scroll through passed, I realized I was experiencing some crazy emotions. I was sad, missing all my daily interactions. I was lonely, lonelier than I had ever been in the past. My phone was extra quiet and the ones I reached out to, gave me a hard time about deactivating. I was frustrated!

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Motorcycles VS The Bedroom

Protect yourself.

I’ve recently discovered the pleasure, and pain, of being a motorcycle passenger. With that came an education in the definition of ‘squid’ according to the book of Mark. No, not that book. I’m talking about the book of Mark Hardman, my life partner and fellow adventurist. According to him, a squid is a newbie who is also a poser. On the road a squid is the guy wearing flip-flops, hunched way down over his bike while driving 65 mph or the girl wearing a bikini. They think they look like a sexy pro, but really just look a bit silly, and risky, to the experienced rider.

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This is how each of us live. Connected. We are wired to people and things throughout our lives. Some of the people we are connected to are good company to keep, best friends, family... You know, the people that you can count on. Some of those to whom we are wired can add extra stress to an already stressful life. They do not make us happy or point us in the direction of following our dreams. We are also connected to things like jobs, contacts (acquaintances), favorite sports and hobbies, cars, houses, televisions... the things we feel benefit us in our everyday walk through this time we have on earth.

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Happily Ever After

I am curious, when you got married, what did you think? Were you prepared for the road ahead? Did you talk about major life decisions? Did you both know and agree on the big things like children, money and goals? Were you even thinking about it, or did you think that once you said "I do", you would just live happily ever after?

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The Link Between Sex and Creativity

Recently, I moved. This move involved foreclosure on a home I loved and had lived in for the past 14 years. The loss of the house was part of the fall-out of my divorce. I saw it coming long ago, so it wasn’t a surprise. I had plenty of time to come to terms with the need to move away from rooms I had spent three years faux-finishing and the garden I had grown from barren clay soil. During the move, my sex drive diminished. I was exhausted, and when I sat down to write, I couldn't focus. For the first time in 5 years, I experienced writer's block.

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Learning To Love Within The Mind Of A Borderline

"Resilient," he said… "A warrior," he called me… if I could only see that truth… Living with BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) can be painful when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Love means everything yet nothing at all. We seem to love hard and fast yet live in constant fear of being abandoned. The heartache is caused by an ongoing yearning to find true happiness, though we may not even know what that is.

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Unique Mother’s Day Gift And Giveaway

With Mother's Day quickly approaching, I wanted to share with you one of my favorite online companies to find unique gifts from the heart. So, I couldn't help but show you this beautiful hand-carved piece I found at Novica.com. It reminded me that no matter how far we are from our children, we are still connected and nothing or no one can take that away. I was able to find this amazing piece very quickly because of the special Mother's Day collections Novica put together in one place.

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For A Reason

It all started a couple weeks ago. I had a real conversation with someone who actually believes in the same things I do - someone who values old school beliefs and finds peace in his universe, as well as understands how we manifest our lives. The conversation flowed for almost 6 hours, and by the end, I felt immense joy. We shared so many thoughts. Those first couple days were truly amazing. There were no uncomfortable silences. The laughs flowed as easily as the feelings that carried them. He was so beautiful to me. However, after just a few days, reality forced its way in, and I realized this would not last forever.

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How to Pump Up your Sensual Theme Hotel Experience

When staying in a theme hotel you might consider bringing outfits for playing out your favorite roles. In Le Cave (see my previous article) we could have worn skins, comic book outfits, pirate clothing, or even spelunker outfits. Let your imagination go and get the most out of your experience. Even body painting would work if you want a real raw experience. Just make sure to remove the mess in the shower before hitting the whirlpool.

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Communication Cartwheels: Learning The Acrobats Of Talking

[dropcap]I[/dropcap] met my husband through the online dating site Match.com. I don’t remember his profile or the emails before we met up for our first date (I must have liked something I read but can’t recall any of it). What I do remember was the long conversation we had over drinks and how we stayed at the restaurant until closing. Next, we went back to my house (I had a roommate and knew if things got weird I’d still be safe) and talked the night away until we both fell asleep on my couch. Without skipping a beat, we continued the date with breakfast and more great conversation over coffee.

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