I had an epiphany the other day, and I have been unable to shake it, so I thought I might share it with you.
I shall start at the beginning. In Australia, at the moment, it’s summer, right smack bang in the middle of it. It’s also the kiddie’s school holiday that lasts for about 6 weeks. And I have to tell you, it’s been really hot as of late, the sort of heat where your brain goes AWOL for a while and you can’t seem to get anything done. Humid Heat. The whole household ends up wandering around aimlessly, bumping into each other. Now last weekend it was so much so that by morning tea time we had had enough and the air conditioning went on. I am normally not a fan of having it on too much, you see it gets a bit claustrophobic; defies logic really, sun shining outside, beautiful day and the house is shut up like its winter!
So with the air on for 2 days and 5 of us needing something to do, my oldest daughter suggested a game. I love games, always played cards and board games when I was younger, so I was right in. The 2 of us got out the UNO and off we went, next thing I knew, middle daughter joined in…nice. Thinking he might be missing out, Mini Master of the House wanted to play too.
Then it happened… this was the FIRST time ever that I had been able to sit and play a game with all 3 of my little people! FIRST time! I have always wanted this, been a little impatient I might add; they are only currently 9, 7 and 5.
But it got me thinking about FIRST times. My year has started off a cracker, not only did I have the absolute joy of sharing a card game with my kiddies, here are my other firsts:
• it’s the first full year of University for me
• it’s, of course, the first month of the year
• it’s the first time I have had the opportunity to write articles for an online magazine, and loving it!
• It’s the first time I have commenced the year with a clear savings plan
• It’s the first time I have felt a balance in my life between family, studying, creating and me
• It’s the first time I have actually written consistently in my journal, my gratitude journal
• and it’s the first time I have let go of any worries, now that’s a good thing!
I also would like to do some things for the first time this year. It’s time to step out of my comfort zone. Not sure what they are yet though! So let’s celebrate our FIRST times, it’s a bit like being a kid really, almost all the things they do are for the first time and look at how they embrace it!
Good on you Elisabeth on the publishing front, that would have to be on my list too! But out of all of your list I love that you have found the ease of writing, because sometimes that ease is elusive.
And thanks Kellie, I am proud of my firsts, slowing down and being part of the journey, not hurrying it along, and always looking ahead. I am so pleased to hear about your migraines, I am not a headache sufferer so I have no idea, I can only imagine how awful they are. And it’s great that we can all just ‘be’ here together.
I know you mentioned this month but my mind drifted to the last year. Maybe because I didn’t take the time to acknowledge the new year.
My first book published
First time to have a real column in an online magazine
First time to succeed with photoshop
My first real income from writing
First sense of ease when writing a short story
Truely we do need to slow down and savor the small firsts of success.
I love this post because it reminds us busy, busy women to slow down, support and recognize small accomplishments. The big goal is off in the future, but these little firsts are here and now. This is the first time in 13 years that I’ve gone 2 months without a migraine headache. It’s the first time I’ve stuck with personal therapy for longer than a month. It’s the first time I’ve allowed myself to just be and not have to be in control of every little thing.
You should be most proud of your firsts, Sandy! Cheers to you!