I do realize that it’s been a couple of weeks or more since I posted a Power300 (life-tips in 300 words or less). It was my attempt at posting twice a day. It works sometimes, but sometimes it gets bumped for things like picking up after my toddler, chauffeuring children, editing research papers…you know, flamboyant mommy stuff.
I had a strong thought today about the topic of accountability and how important it is. When we can share our goals (even the ones in our weak areas) with another, the chances of accomplishing them are so much greater. In thinking about why a person might not want to be accountable, it occurred to me that they are resisting it because of a deep set fear of “being found out” or of failing altogether. It could be that the reason is so deeply buried under the surface of their reality, they might not even realize it themselves.
Being a human on this planet, I hope you see that you are not here to go it alone. We are meant to be in partnerships, in love, in business, in war, in peace, in self-improvement. For the most part, as a people, we do get this principle…right up to the part where we have to insert our own names and issues.
Here’s the bouillon…
Be accountable to someone…anyone. Well, no, not just anyone. Make sure they are patient, trustworthy, kind, and maybe even understand a little about what it is you are trying to do. You will be thankful you did. Be well-be beautiful.
What experience have you had with accountability partners or coaches?
Well, I have this fabulous life coach and I have to say, it helps to have someone to share your goals with. Not just anyone, like you said, but someone who is trustworthy and non-judgmental. Before I was divinely introduced to my life coach, I had someone that I was accountable to, a spiritual adviser let’s say, and it carried me through about eight years of growing up and doing things differently. After that it was time to move on, to the next level I guess. Hopefully I’m not too damaged and we’re successful. Thank you
There’s an award over at my place. I know you don’t have alot of spare time, but it’s a fun one.
Thanks for sharing your point of view on coaching and accountability. It really is a valuable thing to have in your life…keeps ya honest and moving forward…
Here from FF running behind this week
Take a minute to check out my blog
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Hi Kelli,
I mentioned your blog on my blog. Are you going to hold me accountable to cleaning my office and dealing with this stuff? LOL Always love your ideas and suggestions.
Thank you, Theresa. And, yes, I am going to hold you accountable for cleaning your office. I will email you in a week and see how you’re doing with it.