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Teen Disrespect…I Need a Vacation

Photo by The Sound of the Sun



I was reminded today about how lucky I was that my two oldest children (now adults) were not high-strung, rebellious, down-right nasty, or any of those negative personas that make any woman reconsider her motherly throne.  But that was like a million years ago.  The “others”, I say, and hate to separate them, are testing my sanity at the core….yes, even the Missy Moo (two-year-old girl).


The rebel-fest causes this mega form of introspection that, honestly, I hate.  Why?  Because I never win in the inner battle for understanding of what the hell teenagers are all about?  After all, I’ve done my best.  What could I have possibly done that’s so bad to enlist such disrespectful behavior?  And what did I do SO differently with the older ones?  I’m left with one desire: to catch the next airplane to an island in the Caribbean…alone to enjoy peace.


What thrilling, ugly times (or anything in between) have you gone through with your teen?  And how does experiencing this change you as a mother?  What kinds of things do you think about yourself as a mother?

Be Beautiful-Be Creative-Be Happy!


About Kellie R. Stone

"I make no excuses for my diverse roles as a Rock Your Feminine Type Coach™ and Branding Expert, best-selling author, and crime thriller novelist. Yes, I do still chuckle a bit at the irony. I kick ass as a women’s biz coach by day and kill off vulnerable fiction characters at night. What the hell, it makes for some interesting dreams. I believe that everyone should pursue their passions no matter how out there they seem to be. One of those pure heart-fluttering passions for me has always been writing. Since I did, indeed, chase my dream of being a writer, I've published two non-fiction books in the self-development genre, co-authored an international best seller, and now I'm finally pushing my much-too-old-to-be-in-the-nest novel out the door and into the world. My whole world is empowering and I adore showing others how to live life unfiltered, whether I do that through the written word or my coaching work. I love my job!" ~Kellie R. Stone

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  1. As far as what I think about myself as a mother? It changes from day to day depending on my mood, PMS, if the sun is shining, and exactly what my kids are dong at the time.

    Today, I thought, I did the best I could and if my children get mad at me or don’t like me for a moment, then I’m doing my job as a mother because I tell them the truth and I continue to have conversations about doing the ‘right thing’. Children don’t LIKE to hear that, but they NEED to hear it.

    • You are right about about the telling them the “right thing”. I’m not really sure what is up my teenagers’ rear ends, but this is hurting me badly. I’ve always thought of myself as a good communicator and mother…this is throwing me completely off.

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