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What’s Happening Inside Your Body?

More Out of Monday: Beauty Tips

By Jeffrie Ann Hall (Esthetician)

What’s Happening Inside Your Body?

I have been giving you information about how to deal with the aging of your skin, most particularly your face.  But did you know that you can fight aging from the inside out? You can help to prevent the damage free radicals cause to the internal organs and tissues with supplements that contain highly active ingredients.

Product Thumbs Up

One of the best sources that I’ve ever found for getting what your skin and body needs  is the supplements made by a company called Pharmanex.   “LifePak® Women is a nutritional supplement with optimal levels of essential micro-nutrients scientifically formulated to support longevity and wellness. It provides a comprehensive array of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals typically lacking in the average adult woman’s diet, and specifically supplies additional calcium, magnesium, silicon, and vitamin B6 for optimal health.

Other important health benefits include powerful antioxidant support to protect cells, immune system support, cardiovascular health support, blood sugar metabolism support, complete bone nutrition, as well as support normal energy metabolism and promote neural tube health in developing babies,” (as reported on the Pharmanex website). This breakthrough supplement is also loaded with the nutrients that every woman needs to promote glowing, youthful skin.

The Choice of Professional Athletes

The Pharmanex supplements have been the choice of the US Olympic Team women_lgTraining Facilities and were the first supplement to undergo testing for banned substances in 3rd party clinical studies. They were determined to be safe, effective, and containing no ingredient meant to boost physical performance athletically. And the ingredients are bio-available and nano-encapsulated to make sure that your body is able to fully absorb them.

So, while you are taking care of the outside of your body, imagine what these highly effective supplements could do to keep the inside of your body functioning with youthful energy and health!

Photo by Iucbecks

About Jeffrie Ann Hall

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One comment

  1. If you are searching for antiaging beauty products make sure the products you select contain collagen and elastin.

    While many are engrossed in looking for the best anti-aging product, there are also people who maintain an indifferent approach to aging. They just don’t see aging as a big deal thus they make no effort to maintain skin moisture.

    A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can contribute to the elasticity of your skin.A good anti-aging skin care treatment never underestimates the value of taking 10-12 glasses of water daily.

    A healthy way of life will sure have a great impact on your anti aging beauty treatment.

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