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Your Present Moment


The beginning of this year, for me, brought both a wedding anniversary and the unexpected death of one of my beloved cats, little True Heart.  I share this because out of both came a plan for the new year on so many levels.

As I experienced the shock and grief, in a conversation with my angels and guides, I was shown that my options were to stay in the pain and allow it to wash over and through me.  I could allow it to become a dominant force defining my 2014, or I could honor the loss and pain by choosing different thoughts and paths created by the loss.

In an effort to honor my beloved boy and all the others current, past, and yet to come, I have chosen to work more closely with the present moment, focusing on the work I do on behalf of the animals and striving to achieve balance in all areas of my life.  I invite you to share the journey with me and use the 3 concepts as they relate to your life and purpose.

Everyone talks about the present moment.  Looking back, I see had I not been focused on more mundane things like shredding paper, I might have noticed something out of place with True and then perhaps been able to be with him longer. I say this not out of self- recrimination but without attachment as a comment. I am thankful that the shredder kept hanging up and, finally, I gave up and walked down the hall and found True. I know now, of course, that he had been calling to me; my spirit heard and went to him.  I was able to be with him and focus totally on him.

I began to realize, as time went by, that I often have a habit of focusing on things sporadically, as they come up rather than as I bring them up.  I am clearer now:  It is my job not to just respond but to create the environment from the beginning.  And if I am fully present, I can give my best self.

For me, though, the pain is so deep.  However, I know I can honor it, channel it, write about it and use it for good.  If I let it define me and control me, I can help no one; my purpose is lost.  If I use it to write, then it will eventually make its way to where and who it will comfort and support.

The same goes for my effort to achieve balance in my life – not so good at that yet. I see so fully that if I can find balance, then perhaps the areas of my life won’t suffer quite so much.  If I begin to make conscious time for the various areas of my life, I will automatically be present and focused.

So, these are my intentions for 2014.  I hope they also support you and, as always, I am here if I can assist in any way.

Have a blessed, prosperous and loving new year!


Seldom by Kellie R. Stone

For a Reason by Angela Scott

About Dr. Tricia Working

Atlanta native, speaker, and writer, Dr. Tricia Working brings a cadre of experience and expertise to her work both spiritually & within mainstream America. She has over ten years of experience with the Georgia legislature, seven years experience in shelter management, and fifteen years education. She founded Paws for Thought Animal Foundation in 1993 & currently serves as President of the Southern Regional Business Council & Director of Public Relations for the Hope of Humanity Foundation.

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One comment

  1. We all could do better by living in the moment instead of worrying about the future and longing for the past. Your intentions are awesome! May the universe and all beings assist you in making them come to pass.

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